www.gusucode.com > 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理matlab版源码V1.1 > 冈萨雷斯数字图像处理matlab版源码V1.1.3/code/diameter.m

    function s = diameter(L)
%DIAMETER Measure diameter and related properties of image regions.
%   S = DIAMETER(L) computes the diameter, the major axis endpoints,
%   the minor axis endpoints, and the basic rectangle of each labeled
%   region in the label matrix L. Positive integer elements of L
%   correspond to different regions. For example, the set of elements
%   of L equal to 1 corresponds to region 1; the set of elements of L
%   equal to 2 corresponds to region 2; and so on.  S is a structure
%   array of length max(L(:)). The fields of the structure array
%   include:
%     Diameter              
%     MajorAxis
%     MinorAxis
%     BasicRectangle
%   The Diameter field, a scalar, is the maximum distance between any
%   two pixels in the corresponding region. 
%   The MajorAxis field is a 2-by-2 matrix.  The rows contain the row
%   and column coordinates for the endpoints of the major axis of the
%   corresponding region. 
%   The MinorAxis field is a 2-by-2 matrix.  The rows contain the row
%   and column coordinates for the endpoints of the minor axis of the
%   corresponding region. 
%   The BasicRectangle field is a 4-by-2 matrix.  Each row contains
%   the row and column coordinates of a corner of the
%   region-enclosing rectangle defined by the major and minor axes.
%   For more information about these measurements, see Section 11.2.1
%   of Digital Image Processing, by Gonzalez and Woods, 2nd edition,
%   Prentice Hall.

%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2003/11/21 14:31:09 $

s = regionprops(L, {'Image', 'BoundingBox'});

for k = 1:length(s)
    [s(k).Diameter, s(k).MajorAxis, perim_r, perim_c] = ...
    [s(k).BasicRectangle, s(k).MinorAxis] = ...
        compute_basic_rectangle(s(k), perim_r, perim_c);

function [d, majoraxis, r, c] = compute_diameter(s)
%   [D, MAJORAXIS, R, C] = COMPUTE_DIAMETER(S) computes the diameter
%   and major axis for the region represented by the structure S. S
%   must contain the fields Image and BoundingBox.  COMPUTE_DIAMETER
%   also returns the row and column coordinates (R and C) of the
%   perimeter pixels of s.Image.

% Compute row and column coordinates of perimeter pixels.
[r, c] = find(bwperim(s.Image));
r = r(:);
c = c(:);
[rp, cp] = prune_pixel_list(r, c);

num_pixels = length(rp);
switch num_pixels
case 0
   d = -Inf;
   majoraxis = ones(2, 2);
case 1
   d = 0;
   majoraxis = [rp cp; rp cp];
case 2
   d = (rp(2) - rp(1))^2 + (cp(2) - cp(1))^2;
   majoraxis = [rp cp];
   % Generate all combinations of 1:num_pixels taken two at at time.
   % Method suggested by Peter Acklam.
   [idx(:, 2) idx(:, 1)] = find(tril(ones(num_pixels), -1));
   rr = rp(idx);
   cc = cp(idx);
   dist_squared = (rr(:, 1) - rr(:, 2)).^2 + ...
       (cc(:, 1) - cc(:, 2)).^2;
   [max_dist_squared, idx] = max(dist_squared);
   majoraxis = [rr(idx,:)' cc(idx,:)'];
   d = sqrt(max_dist_squared);
   upper_image_row = s.BoundingBox(2) + 0.5;
   left_image_col = s.BoundingBox(1) + 0.5;
   majoraxis(:, 1) = majoraxis(:, 1) + upper_image_row - 1;
   majoraxis(:, 2) = majoraxis(:, 2) + left_image_col - 1;

function [basicrect, minoraxis] = compute_basic_rectangle(s, ...
                                                  perim_r, perim_c)
%   PERIM_C) computes the basic rectangle and the minor axis
%   end-points for the region represented by the structure S.  S must
%   contain the fields Image, BoundingBox, MajorAxis, and
%   Diameter. PERIM_R and PERIM_C are the row and column coordinates
%   of perimeter of s.Image. BASICRECT is a 4-by-2 matrix, each row
%   of which contains the row and column coordinates of one corner of
%   the basic rectangle.  

% Compute the orientation of the major axis.
theta = atan2(s.MajorAxis(2, 1) - s.MajorAxis(1, 1), ...
              s.MajorAxis(2, 2) - s.MajorAxis(1, 2));

% Form rotation matrix.
T = [cos(theta) sin(theta); -sin(theta) cos(theta)];

% Rotate perimeter pixels.
p = [perim_c perim_r];
p = p * T';

% Calculate minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates for the rotated
% perimeter pixels.  
x = p(:, 1);
y = p(:, 2);
min_x = min(x);
max_x = max(x);
min_y = min(y);
max_y = max(y);

corners_x = [min_x max_x max_x min_x]';
corners_y = [min_y min_y max_y max_y]';

% Rotate corners of the basic rectangle.
corners = [corners_x corners_y] * T;

% Translate according to the region's bounding box.
upper_image_row = s.BoundingBox(2) + 0.5;
left_image_col = s.BoundingBox(1) + 0.5;

basicrect = [corners(:, 2) + upper_image_row - 1, ...
             corners(:, 1) + left_image_col - 1];

% Compute minor axis end-points, rotated.
x = (min_x + max_x) / 2;
y1 = min_y;
y2 = max_y;
endpoints = [x y1; x y2];

% Rotate minor axis end-points back.
endpoints = endpoints * T;

% Translate according to the region's bounding box.
minoraxis = [endpoints(:, 2) + upper_image_row - 1, ...
             endpoints(:, 1) + left_image_col - 1];

function [r, c] = prune_pixel_list(r, c)
%   [R, C] = PRUNE_PIXEL_LIST(R, C) removes pixels from the vectors
%   R and C that cannot be endpoints of the major axis.  This
%   elimination is based on geometrical constraints described in
%   Russ, Image Processing Handbook, Chapter 8.

top = min(r);
bottom = max(r);
left = min(c);
right = max(c);

% Which points are inside the upper circle?
x = (left + right)/2;
y = top;
radius = bottom - top;
inside_upper = ( (c - x).^2 + (r - y).^2 ) < radius^2;

% Which points are inside the lower circle?
y = bottom;
inside_lower = ( (c - x).^2 + (r - y).^2 ) < radius^2;

% Which points are inside the left circle?
x = left;
y = (top + bottom)/2;
radius = right - left;
inside_left = ( (c - x).^2 + (r - y).^2 ) < radius^2;

% Which points are inside the right circle?
x = right;
inside_right = ( (c - x).^2 + (r - y).^2 ) < radius^2;

% Eliminate points that are inside all four circles.
delete_idx = find(inside_left & inside_right & ...
                  inside_upper & inside_lower);
r(delete_idx) = [];
c(delete_idx) = [];