www.gusucode.com > 压缩感知重构算法 压缩感知源码程序 > GenFig11.m

    % Figure 11: CSDN reconstruction of signal `Blocks', m = 2048, n = 512.

M = 2^10;
N = 2^9;

sig0 = MakeBlocks(M)';
qmf = MakeONFilter('Haar',1);

SNR = 5;
randn('seed', 2.055615866000000e+09);
[sig0 y]= NoiseMaker(sig0, SNR);

L = 3;
alpha0 = FWT_PO(y, L, qmf);

% Generate Random Dictionary
Phi = MatrixEnsemble(N,M);

% generate the vector S
S = Phi * alpha0;

% Solve the BP problem
alpha = SolveBP(Phi, S, M, 20);
sig = IWT_PO(alpha,L,qmf);

% Solve the BPDN problem
alpha2 = SolveBP(Phi, S, M, 20, 4*sqrt(2*log(M)));
sig2 = IWT_PO(alpha2,L,qmf);

axis([0 M -10 20]); 
title('(a) Noisy Signal');
grid on;
%PlotWaveCoeff(alpha0, L, 0);  
%title('(b) Noisy wavelet coefficients');

axis([0 M -10 20]); 
title('(c) CS Reconstruction, n = 512');
grid on;
%PlotWaveCoeff(alpha, L, 0);  
%title('(d) CS Reconstruction');

axis([0 M -10 20]); 
title('(e) CSDN Reconstruction, n = 512');
grid on;
%PlotWaveCoeff(alpha2, L, 0);  
%title('(f) CSDN Reconstruction');

% Copyright (c) 2006. Yaakov Tsaig

% Part of SparseLab Version:100
% Created Tuesday March 28, 2006
% This is Copyrighted Material
% For Copying permissions see COPYING.m
% Comments? e-mail sparselab@stanford.edu