www.gusucode.com > 可以用来计算MTF值数据文件需要为Excel格式源码程序 > mtf.m

    function sfrcalc(varargin) 
% Calculate SFR or MTF from an Excel-formatted text data file from ImageJ. 
% The frequency scale is assumed to be logarithmic. 
% Command line input data [default]: 
% filename. minimum frequency (lp/mm) [2], maximum frequency (lp/mm) [200], 
% Picture Height [24 mm]; optional 
% Example:  sfrcalc inputfile.tif 2 80 15.1 
% EOS-10D 70-200 f/4 @ 70 mm, f/8 

inpfile = varargin{1};  % data file from ImageJ (convert from cell.) 
%fileprt = strrep(inpfile,'_','\_');  % To print correctly in plots. 
minlp = 2;  maxlp = 200;  picht = 24;  % Defaults for min, max lp/mm and picture height. 

if (nargin>=3) 
   minlp = str2num(varargin{2});  maxlp = str2num(varargin{3});  % Scale lp/mm min, max. 

if (nargin>=4) 
   picht = str2num(varargin{4});  % Picture height mm. 

descr = input('Enter system description: ','s'); 
[fid,MESSAGE] = fopen(inpfile, 'r');  % open data file for read 
if (fid<0) 

[arrinp,l_ar] = fscanf(fid,'%f %f'); 
close all; % Data in the first column is unreliable-- limited precision.  Throw it out. 
arr2 = arrinp(2:2:l_ar);
l_ar = length(arr2); 
dif1 = diff(arr2); 
fprintf('%d data points read in\n',l_ar); 
cmap = zeros(256,3);  % Color map: gray scale. Apparently gamma corrected. 
gamma = 1; 
cmap(1:256,1) = ([0:255]'/255).^(1/gamma); 
cmap(1:256,2) = cmap(1:256,1);  
cmap(1:256,3) = cmap(1:256,1); 
yim = ones(25,1)*arr2';  % Input image for check. 
yim(1,1:l_ar) = 0;  
yim(1:25,1) = 0;
yim(1:25,l_ar) = 0;   % Black line on top, sides. 
% Detect peaks. 
d1 = (dif1>0); 
% 1 or 0.
d1 = (d1(2:l_ar-1) ~= d1(1:l_ar-2)); 
% 1 at peaks; 0 elsewhere. 
d2 = d1.*(abs(arrflt(1:l_ar-1))>thresh*maxflt);  % Detection threshold 
peak_loc = find(d2==1);  % integer peak locations. 
peak_loc = find(d1==1)+1;  % integer peak locations. 
n_peaks = length(peak_loc);  % number of detected peaks. 
fprintf('%d detected peaks\n',n_peaks); 
peak_ampl = arr2(peak_loc);  % End peak detection. 

if (nargin<3) 
   figure;  plot(peak_loc, peak_ampl);  grid on;  zoom on;   

title(descr);  axis tight; 
   p1 = get(gcf,'Position');  p1(4) = p1(4)-60; p1(3) = p1(3)-80; 
   fprintf('Scale values not entered. End program.\n'); 
   summ = peak_ampl(1:n_peaks-1)+peak_ampl(2:n_peaks); 
   resp1 = abs(diff(peak_ampl))./summ;  resp1 = resp1/max(resp1); 
   % Use equations from  

   lpratio = maxlp/minlp; 
   xax1 = (0:l_ar-1)/(l_ar-1);  % Input data x-axis. 
   lpmm1 = minlp*lpratio.^xax1; 
   figure;  p1 = get(gcf,'Position');  p1(4) = p1(4)-60; p1(3)= p1(3)-80; 
   plot(lpmm1,arr2);  grid on;  zoom on;  title(descr);  set(gcf,'Position',p1); 
   xlabel('Line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm)');  ylabel('Input data'); 
   xax2 = peak_loc(2:n_peaks)/(l_ar-1);  % X-axis for MTF; 
   lpmm2 = minlp*lpratio.^xax2; 
   figure; p1 = get(gcf,'Position');  % Composite figure. 
   p1(2) = p1(2)-120;   p1(4) = p1(4)+80; p1(3) = p1(3)-140;   
    p2 = get(gcf,'PaperPosition'); 
    p2(2) = p2(2)-1;  p2(4) = p2(4)+2; 
   subplot('Position',[.11 .92 .85 .03]); 
   image(yim);  colormap(cmap);  axis off;  title(descr); 
   subplot('Position',[.11 .63 .85 .29]);  
   plot(arr2);  grid on;  zoom on;  axis tight; 
   xlabel(['Log scale from ' num2str(minlp) ' to ' num2str(maxlp) ' lp/mm']); 
   ylabel('Input data');  grid on; zoom on; 
   ax1 = axis;  a1 = ax1(2)-ax1(1);  a2 = ax1(4)-ax1(3); 
   subplot('Position',[.11 .08 .85 .46]);  % subplot(2,1,2); 
   plot(lpmm2,resp1);  grid on;  zoom on; 
   xlabel('Line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm)');  ylabel('Spatial frequency response'); 
   ax1 = axis;  a1 = ax1(2)-ax1(1);  a2 = ax1(4)-ax1(3); 
   if (nargin>=4)  % Do plot in Line widths/Picture height =LW/PH. 
      %text(ax1(1)+.35*a1,ax1(3)+.92*a2,['To obtain Line widths per picture height']); 
      %text(ax1(1)+.35*a1,ax1(3)+.84*a2,['(lw/ph), where ph = ' num2str(picht) 'mm,']); 
      %text(ax1(1)+.35*a1,ax1(3)+.76*a2,['multiply by 'num2str(2*picht)]); 
      figure;  set(gcf,'Position',p1);  % New plot of LW/PH. 
      subplot('Position',[.11 .92 .85 .03]); 
      image(yim);  colormap(cmap);  axis off;  title(descr); 
      subplot('Position',[.11 .63 .85 .29]);  
      plot(arr2);  grid on;  zoom on;  axis tight; 
      xlabel(['Log scale from ' num2str(minlp) ' to ' num2str (maxlp) ' lp/mm']); 
      ylabel('Input data');  grid on; zoom on; 
      ax1 = axis;  a1 = ax1(2)-ax1(1);  a2 = ax1(4)-ax1(3); 
      subplot('Position',[.11 .08 .85 .46]);  % subplot(2,1,2); 
      plot(lpmm2*2*picht,resp1);  grid on;  zoom on; 
      xlabel(['Line widths per picture height (lw/ph) for ph =' num2str(picht) ' mm']); 
      ylabel('Spatial frequency response'); 
      ax1 = axis;  a1 = ax1(2)-ax1(1);  a2 = ax1(4)-ax1(3);  
      text(ax1(1)+.42*a1,ax1(3)+.85*a2,['To obtain lp/mm,divide by ' num2str(2*picht)]); 