www.gusucode.com > MATLAB编程毕业设计 EKF SLAM仿真全部源代码 > TransformToGlobal.m

    function p = TransformToGlobal(p, b)
% function p = TransformToGlobal(p, b)
% Transform a list of poses [x;y;phi] so that they are global wrt a base pose
% Tim Bailey 1999

% rotate
rot = [cos(b(3)) -sin(b(3)); sin(b(3)) cos(b(3))];
p(1:2,:) = rot*p(1:2,:);

% translate
p(1,:) = p(1,:) + b(1);
p(2,:) = p(2,:) + b(2);

% if p is a pose and not a point
if size(p,1)==3
   p(3,:) = pi_to_pi(p(3,:) + b(3));