www.gusucode.com > 基于多边形网格的流动问题拓扑优化设计元代码 > PolyFilter.m

    %------------------------------ PolyTop ----------------------------------%
% Ref: C Talischi, GH Paulino, A Pereira, IFM Menezes, "PolyTop: A Matlab %
% implementation of a general topology optimization framework using       %
% unstructured polygonal finite element meshes", Struct Multidisc Optim,  %
% DOI 10.1007/s00158-011-0696-x                                           %
function [P] = PolyFilter(fem,R)
if R<0, P = speye(fem.NElem); return; end %P is set to identity when R<0
ElemCtrd = zeros(fem.NElem,2);
for el = 1:fem.NElem        %Compute the centroids of all the elements
  vx=fem.Node(fem.Element{el},1); vy=fem.Node(fem.Element{el},2);
  temp = vx.*vy([2:end 1])-vy.*vx([2:end 1]);
  A = 0.5*sum(temp);
  ElemCtrd(el,1) = 1/(6*A)*sum((vx+vx([2:end 1])).*temp);
  ElemCtrd(el,2) = 1/(6*A)*sum((vy+vy([2:end 1])).*temp);
[d] = DistPntSets(ElemCtrd,ElemCtrd,R);  %Obtain distance values & indices
P = sparse(d(:,1),d(:,2),1-d(:,3)/R);    %Assemble the filtering matrix
P = spdiags(1./sum(P,2),0,fem.NElem,fem.NElem)*P;
%---------------------------------- COMPUTE DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINT SETS
function [d] = DistPntSets(PS1,PS2,R)
d = cell(size(PS1,1),1);
for el = 1:size(PS1,1)       %Compute the distance information
    dist = sqrt((PS1(el,1)-PS2(:,1)).^2 + (PS1(el,2)-PS2(:,2)).^2);
    [I,J] = find(dist<=R);   %Find the indices for distances less that R
    d{el} = [I,J+(el-1),dist(I)];
d = cell2mat(d);             %Matrix of indices and distance value