www.gusucode.com > superresolution_v_2源码程序 > superresolution_v_2源码程序/superresolution_v_2.0_超分辨率图像处理_matlab源码_POCS/superresolution_v_2.0_超分辨率图像处理_matlab源码_POCS/superresolution_v_2.0/application/n_conv.m

    function [rec, F] = n_conv(s,delta_est,phi_est,factor, noiseCorrect, TwoPass)
% N_CONV - reconstruct a high resolution image using normalized convolution
%    [rec, F] = n_conv(s,delta_est,phi_est,factor, noiseCorrect, TwoPass)
%    reconstruct an image with FACTOR times more pixels in both dimensions
%    using normalized convolution on the pixels from the images in S
%    (S{1},...) and using the shift and rotation information from DELTA_EST 
%    and PHI_EST; options are available to specify whether a noise correction
%    step and a second pass should be applied or not

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% SUPERRESOLUTION - Graphical User Interface for Super-Resolution Imaging
% Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Laboratory of Audiovisual Communications (LCAV), 
% Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), 
% CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your 
% option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that 
% it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied 
% warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 
% See the GNU General Public License for more details 
% (enclosed in the file GPL). 
% Latest modifications: November 6, 2006 by Karim Krichane

if nargin < 4
    errordlg('Not enough input arguments', 'Error...');
elseif nargin < 5
    noiseCorrect = false;
    TwoPass = false;

ss = size(s{1});
if (length(ss)==3) 
    error('This function only takes 2-dimensional matrices'); 
center = (ss+1)/2;
phi_rad = phi_est*pi/180;

% compute the coordinates of the pixels from the N images, using DELTA_EST and PHI_EST
for i=1:n % for each image
    s_c{i} = s_c{i}(:);
    r{i} = [1:factor:factor*ss(1)]'*ones(1,ss(2)); % create matrix with row indices
    c{i} = ones(ss(1),1)*[1:factor:factor*ss(2)]; % create matrix with column indices
    r{i} = r{i}-factor*center(1); % shift rows to center around 0
    c{i} = c{i}-factor*center(2); % shift columns to center around 0
    coord{i} = [c{i}(:) r{i}(:)]*[cos(phi_rad(i)) sin(phi_rad(i)); -sin(phi_rad(i)) cos(phi_rad(i))]; % rotate 
    r{i} = coord{i}(:,2)+factor*center(1)+factor*delta_est(i,1); % shift rows back and shift by delta_est
    c{i} = coord{i}(:,1)+factor*center(2)+factor*delta_est(i,2); % shift columns back and shift by delta_est
    rn{i} = r{i}((r{i}>0)&(r{i}<=factor*ss(1))&(c{i}>0)&(c{i}<=factor*ss(2)));
    cn{i} = c{i}((r{i}>0)&(r{i}<=factor*ss(1))&(c{i}>0)&(c{i}<=factor*ss(2)));
    sn{i} = s_c{i}((r{i}>0)&(r{i}<=factor*ss(1))&(c{i}>0)&(c{i}<=factor*ss(2)));

s_ = []; r_ = []; c_ = []; sr_ = []; rr_ = []; cr_ = [];
for i=1:n % for each image
    s_ = [s_; sn{i}];
    r_ = [r_; rn{i}];
    c_ = [c_; cn{i}];
clear s_c r c coord rn cn sn

% Apply the normalized convolution algorithm
if nargout == 2
    [rec, F] = n_convolution(c_,r_,s_,ss*factor,factor, s{1}, noiseCorrect, TwoPass);
    rec = n_convolution(c_,r_,s_,ss*factor,factor, s{1}, noiseCorrect, TwoPass);
