www.gusucode.com > CHPSO优化算法matlab源码程序 > CHPSO优化算法matlab源码程序/CHPSO/CHPSO.m

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% % ===================================================================== %
% % Convergent Heterogenous Particle Swarm Optimization                   %
% % ===================================================================== %
% %                                                                       %
% % ===================================================================== %
% %       Author: Ngaam J. Cheung                                         %
% %        Email: ngaam.ch@gmail.com                                      %
% %      Release: 1.1                                                     %
% % Release Date: June 9, 2013.                                           %
% % Modified Date: April 29, 2014.                                        %
% % ===================================================================== %

% % ===================================================================== %
% % NOTE:
% % 1) This source code is freely available to all academic users 
% %     and not-for-profit institutions.
% % 2) Commercial users wishing an evaluation copy should contact the author
% % 3) Commercial users may license the CHPSO software after completing 
% %     the license agreement and sending it to ngaam.ch@gmail.com.
% %
% % If you use CHPSO, please cite the following paper:
% % Ngaam J. Cheung, Xue-Ming Ding, Hong-Bin Shen,
% %   OptiFel: A Convergent Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimization 
% %   for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Modeling. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy System,
% %   22(4): 919-933, Aug. 2014. doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2013.2278972
% % ===================================================================== %

help CHPSO.m

NGen = 1e3;
gap = 1:(NGen/50):NGen;

% Parameters of PSO
sNP = 8;
acc = [1.49445, 1.49445];
iwt = [0.9, 0.35];  % interia weight

for funcNum = 1
    [Lb, Ub,dim] = funcRange(funcNum);  % for objFunc: twenty-three benchmark functions

    param = struct( 'ParicleNumber',           sNP,...
                    'AccelerationConstants',   acc,...
                    'InteriaWeight',           iwt,...
                    'Dimension',               dim,...
                    'Ub',                      Ub,...
                    'Lb',                      Lb);

    for run = 1:3
        BestChart = CHPSO_func('objFunc',NGen,param,funcNum);
        t = toc;
        eval(['CHPSO_F',num2str(funcNum),'(:,run) = BestChart;']);
        title({strcat('\fontsize{12}\bf Function: F',num2str(funcNum));strcat('Currunt run time: ',num2str(run))});
        xlabel('\fontsize{12}\bf Generation');
        ylabel('\fontsize{12}\bf Best-so-far');
        legend('\fontsize{10}\bf CHPSO',1);
        fprintf('R = %2d, time = %5.2f, best-so-far = %.4e\n', run, t, BestChart(end))