www.gusucode.com > RBM > RBM/RBM_TB.m

    function [net]=RBM_TB(x,eps,Nneurons,maxittre,NG)
% Restricted Boltzman Machine (RBM):

% The function RBM_TB allows to train an RBM net (ristricted Boltzman machine)
% using the constrastive divergence method.
% Note: the training of RBM is acived by using binary inputs usnits and
% hidden units as well.
% Inputs:
% x: training set L inputs by M Attrebutes
% eps : learning rate
% Nneurons: number of neurons in the hidden layer
% maxittre: maximum number of learning itterations
% NG: number of gibbs samplling steps
% Outputs:
% net: contains important characteristics of traind net
    %%%%    Authors:        TAREK BERGHOUT
    %%%%    EMAIL:          berghouttarek@gmail.com
    %%%%    date: 14/04/2019

% initialization:
I2=I;      % save a copy from the training input
I=round(I);% transform the input into binary units
W = (2*rand(size(I,2),Nneurons)-1)*4*sqrt(3.0/16.0); % generate randomly input wiegths  W 
v_bias = zeros(1,size(I,2));                         % initial bias in visible layer (input layer)
h_bias = zeros(1,Nneurons);                          % initial bias in hidden layer
% training processe:
for i = 1:maxittre
errvec=[];                     % initialize error history for evry itteration
ordering = randperm(size(I,1));% rerange randomly rows of the imput sample
I = I(ordering, :);            % load our reranged sample
    for j = 1:NG % start gibbs sampling using energy function
        hidden_p =  round(sigmoid(I * W + repmat(h_bias,size(I,1),1)));% Find hidden units by sampling the visible layer 
                                                        % and then
                                                        % transform it
                                                        % into binary
                                                        % form
        visible_p = sigmoid( hidden_p* W' +repmat(v_bias,size(I,1),1));   % Find visible units by sampling from the hidden ones.                                           
        bP = sigmoid(visible_p * W + repmat(h_bias,size(I,1),1));         % Last step : Find hidden units from the last visible_p.                                                  
        pD = I'*hidden_p;                             % Positive Divergence
        nD = visible_p'*bP;                           % Negative Divergence
        W = W + eps*(pD - nD)/NG;                     % update weights using contrastive divergence
        v_bias = v_bias + eps*(sum(I-visible_p));     % Update biases of the visibal layer
        h_bias = h_bias + eps*(sum(hidden_p-bP));     % Update biases of the hidden  layer
        errvec(j) =  sqrt(mse((I-visible_p)));        % Estimate error (RMSE)
errvecT(i) = mean(errvec);%training error history
%training accuracy with non binary units(scalar)
Trv_bias = repmat(v_bias,size(I2,1),1);
Trh_bias = repmat(h_bias,size(I2,1),1);
Tr_h=sigmoid(I2* W + Trh_bias);
Tr_v=sigmoid(Tr_h* W' + Trv_bias);
Tr_acc =sqrt(mse(I2-Tr_v)); % Estimate error (RMSE)

net.input=I2;       % save the original normalized training data
net.regen=Tr_v;     % save the regenerated  input (reconstructed)
net.W=W;            % save updated weights weights
net.xbias=v_bias;   % save updated baises of the visible layer
net.hbias=h_bias;   % save updated baises of the hidden layer
net.Tr_acc=Tr_acc;  % save training accracy
net.hist=smooth(errvecT,13);   % save the smooth version of history of training error