www.gusucode.com > RBM > RBM/scaledata.m

    function dataout = scaledata(datain,minval,maxval)
% Program to scale the values of a matrix from a user specified minimum to a user specified maximum
% Usage:
% outputData = scaleData(inputData,minVal,maxVal);
% Example:
% a = [1 2 3 4 5];
% a_out = scaledata(a,0,1);
% Output obtained: 
%            0    0.1111    0.2222    0.3333    0.4444
%       0.5556    0.6667    0.7778    0.8889    1.0000
% Program written by:
% Aniruddha Kembhavi, July 11, 2007

dataout = datain - min(datain(:));
dataout = (dataout/range(dataout(:)))*(maxval-minval);
dataout = dataout + minval;