www.gusucode.com > Ogive_optimization_1.0.6 > tools/ws2struct.m

    %This Script saves all the variables from the current workspace into a 
%single structure array. 
%Author: Andres Gonzalez
%This function allows to save all the variables from the 'caller' workspace into a struct array
%Sometimes you need to save the variables from your base workspace, but using "save" function will have them all stored individually so if you reload them into a new workspace it could be a mess, and some variables could be overwritten.
%With this function, you can save all of them into a struct array, and so they'll be nicely packaged and ready to be saved to a .mat file that, when reloaded, will be easy to identify. 
%save, struct, base, workspace, structure array
% a='LALALA'
% b=[1:12:258]
% c={'cell1', 'cell2', 'cell3'}
% d=768
% e=true(3)
% theworkspace=ws2struct();
% theworkspace = 
%     a: 'LALALA'
%     b: [1x22 double]
%     c: {'cell1'  'cell2'  'cell3'}
%     d: 768
%     e: [3x3 logical]

function WStruct=ws2struct()

WSVARS = evalin('caller', 'who');
for wscon=1:size(WSVARS,1)
    thisvar=evalin('caller', WSVARS{wscon});