www.gusucode.com > wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/+wlan/+internal/s1gSIGB.m

    function [y,varargout]= s1gSIGB(cfgS1G)
%s1gSIGB S1G SIG-B Field (S1G-SIGB)
%   Note: This is an internal undocumented function and its API and/or
%   functionality may change in subsequent releases.
%   [Y, BITS] = s1gSIGB(CFGS1G) generates the S1G Signal B (S1G-SIG-B)
%   field time-domain waveform for the S1G transmission format.
%   Y is the time-domain SIG-B field signal. It is a complex matrix of
%   size Ns-by-Nt where Ns represents the number of time-domain samples
%   and Nt represents the number of transmit antennas.
%   BITS is the non-repeated signaling bits used for the SIG-B field. It is
%   an int8-typed, real matrix of size Nb-by-Nu, where Nb is 26 for 2 MHz,
%   27 for 4 MHz, and 29 for 8 MHz and 16 MHz channel bandwidths,
%   respectively, and Nu is the number of users.
%   CFGS1G is the format configuration object of type <a href="matlab:help('wlanS1GConfig')">wlanS1GConfig</a> which
%   specifies the parameters for the S1G format.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Generate SIG-B as per IEEE P802.11ah/D5.0 Section


validateattributes(cfgS1G,{'wlanS1GConfig'},{'scalar'},mfilename,'S1G format configuration object');

chanBW = cfgS1G.ChannelBandwidth;
numUsers = cfgS1G.NumUsers; 
numSTS = cfgS1G.NumSpaceTimeStreams;
numSTSTotal = sum(numSTS);

% Get OFDM parameters
cfgOFDM = wlan.internal.s1gOFDMConfig(chanBW,'Long','SIG-B',numSTSTotal);

% Special case for a single user; we repeat the first D-LTF
if cfgS1G.NumUsers==1
    nargoutchk(0,1); % No bits to return
    dltf = wlan.internal.s1gDLTF(cfgS1G);
    y = dltf(1:(cfgOFDM.FFTLength/64)*80,:); % 80 samples @ 2 MHz in 1st LTF symbol

% Number of bits in the symbol is dependent on bandwidth
switch chanBW
  case 'CBW2'
    numSIGBBits = 26;
  case 'CBW4'
    numSIGBBits = 27;
  case 'CBW8'
    numSIGBBits = 29;
  otherwise % 'CBW16'
    numSIGBBits = 29;

% Fill data subcarriers for all users       
vecMCS = repmat(cfgS1G.MCS,1,numUsers/length(cfgS1G.MCS));
data = complex(zeros(numel(cfgOFDM.DataIndices),numSTSTotal));
bits = zeros(numSIGBBits,numUsers,'int8');
for u = 1:cfgS1G.NumUsers
    [dataForThisUser,bits(:, u)] = getDataSubcarrierPerUser(chanBW,numUsers,numSIGBBits,vecMCS(u));
    data(:,sum(numSTS(1:u-1))+(1:numSTS(u))) = repmat(dataForThisUser,1,numSTS(u));
varargout{1} = bits;

% Generate pilot sequence
n = 0; % One OFDM symbol in SIG-B
z = 2; % Offset by 2 to allow for SIG-A pilot symbols
pilots = wlan.internal.vhtPilots(n,z,chanBW,numSTSTotal); % Pilots: Nsp-by-1-by-Nsts

% Apply first column to data and pilots
P = wlan.internal.mappingMatrix(numSTSTotal); % Orthogonal mapping matrix
Pd = P(1:numSTSTotal,1);
pilots = pilots.*repmat(permute(Pd,[2 3 1]),[size(pilots,1) 1 1]);
data = bsxfun(@times,data,permute(Pd,[2 1]));

% Cyclic shift addition
csh = wlan.internal.getCyclicShiftVal('S1G',numSTSTotal, ...
% Perform spatial mapping, CSD and OFDM modulation
y = wlan.internal.vhtSIGBModulate(data,pilots,cfgOFDM,csh, ...


% Returns the spatial streams per user to encode the MCS
function [dataPerUser, bitsPerUser] = getDataSubcarrierPerUser(chanBW, ...

% Table 24-16 - Fields in the SIG-B field for MU PPDU, IEEE P802.11ah/D5.0
bitsPerUser = zeros(numSIGBBits,1,'int8');
for u=1:numUsers
    switch chanBW
      case 'CBW2'
        bitsPerUser(1:4) = de2bi(MCS, 4).';     % MCS
        bitsPerUser(5:12) = ones(8,1,'int8');   % Reserved
        bitsPerUser(13:20) = wlan.internal.wlanCRCGenerate(bitsPerUser(1:12)); % CRC
        bitsPerUser(21:26) = zeros(1,6,'int8'); % Tail
      case 'CBW4'
        bitsPerUser(1:4) = de2bi(MCS, 4).';     % MCS
        bitsPerUser(5:13) = ones(9,1,'int8');   % Reserved
        bitsPerUser(14:21) = wlan.internal.wlanCRCGenerate(bitsPerUser(1:13)); % CRC
        bitsPerUser(22:27) = zeros(1,6,'int8'); % Tail
    otherwise % {'CBW8','CBW16'}
        bitsPerUser(1:4) = de2bi(MCS, 4).';     % MCS
        bitsPerUser(5:15) = ones(11,1,'int8');  % Reserved
        bitsPerUser(16:23) = wlan.internal.wlanCRCGenerate(bitsPerUser(1:15)); % CRC
        bitsPerUser(24:29) = zeros(1,6,'int8'); % Tail

% Perform encoding, interleaving and constellation mapping
dataPerUser = wlan.internal.vhtSIGBEncodeInterleaveMap(bitsPerUser,chanBW);
