www.gusucode.com > wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/wlanVHTSIGA.m

    function [y, bits] = wlanVHTSIGA(cfgVHT)
%   [Y, BITS] = wlanVHTSIGA(CFGVHT) generates the VHT Signal A
%   (VHT-SIG-A) field time-domain waveform for the VHT transmission format.
%   Y is the time-domain VHT-SIG-A field signal. It is a complex matrix of
%   size Ns-by-Nt, where Ns represents the number of time-domain samples
%   and Nt represents the number of transmit antennas.
%   BITS is the VHT-SIG-A signaling bits. It is an int8-typed, binary column
%   vector of length 48.
%   CFGVHT is the format configuration object of type <a href="matlab:help('wlanVHTConfig')">wlanVHTConfig</a> which
%   specifies the parameters for the VHT format.
%   Example:
%   % Generate the VHT-SIG-A waveform for a VHT 80 MHz transmission format
%     cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig;               % VHT Format configuration
%     cfgVHT.ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW80';    % Set to 80 MHz
%     vSigAOut = wlanVHTSIGA(cfgVHT);
%     %  returns a complex output of 640 samples for the two OFDM symbols
%     %  of length 320 samples each.
%   See also wlanVHTConfig, wlanLSIG, wlanVHTSTF, wlanVHTSIGARecover.

%   Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


validateattributes(cfgVHT, {'wlanVHTConfig'}, {'scalar'}, mfilename, ...
                   'VHT format configuration object');
cfgInfo = validateConfig(cfgVHT, 'SpatialMCSGID');

channelCoding = getChannelCoding(cfgVHT);

% VHT-SIG-A1 structure - Table 22-12, IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013
% BW field
switch cfgVHT.ChannelBandwidth
    case 'CBW20'
        bw = [0 0];
    case 'CBW40'
        bw = [1 0];     % right-msb orientation
    case 'CBW80'
        bw = [0 1];     % right-msb orientation
    otherwise % 'CBW160', 'CBW80+80'
        bw = [1 1];

% STBC, NSTS/Partial AID fields
if cfgVHT.NumUsers == 1
    STBC = double(cfgVHT.STBC);
    STSAndPAID = [de2bi(cfgVHT.NumSpaceTimeStreams(1)-1, 3), ...
                  de2bi(cfgVHT.PartialAID, 9)];
    STBC = 0;
    STSAndPAID = zeros(1, 12);
    for u = 1:cfgVHT.NumUsers
        STSAndPAID(3*cfgVHT.UserPositions(u)+(1:3)) = ...
                    de2bi(cfgVHT.NumSpaceTimeStreams(u), 3);

% Preset TransmitPowerSaveNotAllowed to false
TransmitPowerSaveNotAllowed = 0;

% Assemble fields with reserved bits
vhtsiga1 = int8([bw 1 STBC de2bi(cfgVHT.GroupID, 6), ...
            STSAndPAID, TransmitPowerSaveNotAllowed 1].');

% VHT-SIG-A2 structure - Table 22-12, IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013
% Guard interval bits
if strcmp(cfgVHT.GuardInterval, 'Long')
    b0_2  = 0;
    b1_2  = 0;
else % Short GI
    Nsym = cfgInfo.NumDataSymbols;
    b0_2 = 1;
    b1_2 = double((mod(Nsym, 10)==9));     

% Channel coding bits
% Update b3 for LDPC coding, once enabled
if cfgVHT.NumUsers == 1
    if strcmp(channelCoding{1}, 'BCC')
        b2_2 = 0;
        b3_2 = 0;
    else  % LDPC
        b2_2 = 1;
        b3_2 = cfgInfo.ExtraLDPCSymbol;     
    b2Tob7 = [b2_2; b3_2; de2bi(cfgVHT.MCS(1), 4, 'right-msb').'];
    MUCoding = ones(4, 1);
    for u = 1:cfgVHT.NumUsers
        MUCoding(cfgVHT.UserPositions(u)+1) = ...
                        double(strcmp(channelCoding{u}, 'LDPC'));
    b2Tob7 = [MUCoding(1); cfgInfo.ExtraLDPCSymbol; MUCoding(2:4); 1];

b8 = ((cfgVHT.NumUsers == 1) && strcmp(cfgVHT.SpatialMapping, 'Custom') ...
      && cfgVHT.Beamforming) || (cfgVHT.NumUsers > 1);

% Concatenate the first 0-9 bits
vhtsiga2_09 = int8([b0_2; b1_2; b2Tob7; b8; 1]);

% Generate the CRC
crc = wlan.internal.wlanCRCGenerate([vhtsiga1; vhtsiga2_09]);

% VHT-SIG-A2 bits
vhtsiga2 = [vhtsiga2_09; crc; zeros(6,1,'int8')]; % 24 bits

% Concatenate the SIG-A1 and A2 fields together - 48 bits
bits = [vhtsiga1; vhtsiga2];

%% Process VHT-SIG-A bits

% Get OFDM parameters
numTx = cfgVHT.NumTransmitAntennas;
cfgOFDM = wlan.internal.wlanGetOFDMConfig(cfgVHT.ChannelBandwidth, ...
    'Long', 'Legacy', numTx);
FFTLen  = cfgOFDM.FFTLength;
num20 = FFTLen/64;

% Cyclic shift addition
% The format is set to OFDM due to legacy mode. The cyclic shift is
% applied on each transmit antenna.
csh = wlan.internal.getCyclicShiftVal('OFDM', numTx, 20*num20);

% Encoding, interleaving, constellation mapping according to Section 18.3.5
phRot = [0 pi/2]; % Rotate only 2nd symbol
dataSym = wlan.internal.vhtSIGAEncodeInterleaveMap(bits, phRot);

% Add pilot subcarriers, IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013, Eqn 22-28
z = 1;      % 2nd and 3rd pilot symbols
numSym = 2; 
pilots = wlan.internal.nonHTPilots(numSym, z);

% Pilot insertion according to Section, duplication and phase
% rotation
sym = complex(zeros(FFTLen, numSym)); 
sym(cfgOFDM.DataIndices,:) = repmat(dataSym, num20, 1);
sym(cfgOFDM.PilotIndices,:) = repmat(pilots, num20, 1);
SymAll = bsxfun(@times,sym,cfgOFDM.CarrierRotations); % Apply to both sym

% Cyclic shift addition
vhtCycShift = complex(zeros(FFTLen, numSym, numTx));

for i = 1:numSym
    % Replicate VHT-SIG-A field over multiple antennas
    vhtsigMIMO = repmat(SymAll(:,i), 1, numTx);    
    % Cyclic shift addition
    % The cyclic shift is applied per transmit antenna.
    vhtCycShift(:,i,:) = wlan.internal.wlanCyclicShift(vhtsigMIMO, csh, FFTLen, 'Tx');

wout = wlan.internal.wlanOFDMModulate(vhtCycShift, cfgOFDM.CyclicPrefixLength);
y  = wout * cfgOFDM.NormalizationFactor;
