www.gusucode.com > wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlanexamples/vhtBeamformingRemoveCSD.m

    function y = vhtBeamformingRemoveCSD(x, chanBW, numSTSTotal)
% vhtBeamformingRemoveCSD Remove effect of transmitter cyclic shifts
%   Y = vhtBeamformingRemoveCSD(X,CHANBW,NUMSTSTOTAL) returns a channel
%   estimate matrix without the effect of cyclic shifts applied at the
%   transmitter.
%   Y is a complex Nst-by-Nsts-by-Nr array containing the estimated channel
%   at data and pilot subcarriers without the effects of transmitter cyclic
%   shifts. Nst is the number of occupied subcarriers, Nsts is the total
%   number of space-time streams and Nr is the number of receive antennas.
%   X is a complex Nst-by-Nsts-by-Nr array containing the estimated channel
%   at data and pilot subcarriers with the effects of transmitter cyclic
%   shifts.

%   Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


csd = wlan.internal.getCyclicShiftVal('VHT', numSTSTotal, ...
cfgOFDM = wlan.internal.wlanGetOFDMConfig(chanBW, 'Long', 'VHT', numSTSTotal);
Nfft = cfgOFDM.FFTLength;
occupiedIndices = sort([cfgOFDM.DataIndices; cfgOFDM.PilotIndices]);

y = wlan.internal.wlanCyclicShift(x, csd, Nfft, 'Rx', occupiedIndices);

% [EOF]