www.gusucode.com > wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlanexamples/vhtSingleUserRxSigRec.m

    function [rxDataBits, recVHTSIGBBits] = vhtSingleUserRxSigRec(rxSig, ...
    chanBW, userNum, eqMethod)
% VHT Receiver for a single user
%   Simple receiver with no front-end impairment correction. 
%   Recovers the transmission configuration using the signaling fields
%   (assumes only the channel bandwidth and format is known).

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Only assume chanBW and format known
format = 'VHT';

% Configure a recovery object 
cfgRec = wlanRecoveryConfig('EqualizationMethod', eqMethod, ...
    'PilotPhaseTracking', 'None'); 

fLen        = helperFieldLengths(chanBW, format);
lltfIndices = fLen.LSTF+(1:fLen.LLTF);
rxLLTF      = rxSig(lltfIndices,:);

% Perform channel estimation based on L-LTF
demodLLTF   = wlanLLTFDemodulate(rxLLTF, chanBW);
chanEstLLTF = wlanLLTFChannelEstimate(demodLLTF, chanBW);

% Estimate noise power for legacy fields
nVar = helperNoiseEstimate(demodLLTF);

% Recover LSIG bits
lsigIndices = lltfIndices(end)+(1:fLen.LSIG);
rxLSIG      = rxSig(lsigIndices,:);
recLSIGBits = wlanLSIGRecover(rxLSIG, chanEstLLTF, nVar, chanBW, cfgRec);

% Recover SIGA bits
sigAIndices    = lsigIndices(end)+(1:fLen.VHTSIGA);
rxVHTSIGA      = rxSig(sigAIndices,:);
recVHTSIGABits = wlanVHTSIGARecover(rxVHTSIGA, chanEstLLTF, nVar, ...
    chanBW, cfgRec);

% Recover configuration: BW, numSTS, etc. (not MCS, APEPLEngth yet for MU)
cfgVHTRx = helperVHTConfigRecover(recLSIGBits, recVHTSIGABits);

% Perform channel estimation based on VHT-LTF
numSTSVec   = cfgVHTRx.NumSpaceTimeStreams;
numSTSTotal = sum(numSTSVec);
NVHTLTFVec  = [1 2 4 4 6 6 8 8]; 
vhtltfIndices = (sigAIndices(end)+fLen.VHTSTF) + ...
rxVHTLTF    = rxSig(vhtltfIndices,:);
demodVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxVHTLTF, chanBW, numSTSVec);
chanEst     = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demodVHTLTF, chanBW, numSTSVec);

% Estimate noise power for VHT fields
stsU = numSTSVec(userNum);
nVar = helperNoiseEstimate(demodLLTF, chanBW, stsU);

% Recover SIGB bits per user
sigBIndices    = vhtltfIndices(end) + (1:fLen.VHTSTF); % one symbol length
rxVHTSIGB      = rxSig(sigBIndices,:);
recVHTSIGBBits = wlanVHTSIGBRecover(rxVHTSIGB, chanEst, nVar, chanBW, ...
    userNum, numSTSVec, cfgRec);

% Recover per user MCS and APEPLengths for user of interest, and
% other Tx information
[cfgVHTSU, numDataSym] = helperVHTConfigRecover(recLSIGBits, ...
    recVHTSIGABits, recVHTSIGBBits, userNum);

% Recover information bits in VHT Data
dataIndices = sigBIndices(end)+(1:(numDataSym*fLen.VHTSTF));
rxVHTData   = rxSig(dataIndices,:);
[rxDataBits, ~, eqsym] = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxVHTData, chanEst, nVar, ...
    cfgVHTSU, userNum, numSTSVec, cfgRec);
% Plot equalized symbols per-user streams (Nss)
h = figure;
h.Name = ['User ' num2str(userNum) ' Equalized Symbols'];
scaler = ceil(max(abs([real(eqsym(:)); imag(eqsym(:))])));
for i = 1:stsU
    if stsU>2
        subplot(2, 2, i);
        subplot(stsU, 1, i);
    plot(reshape(eqsym(:,:,i), [], 1), '.'); grid on;
    xlim([-scaler scaler]);
    ylim([-scaler scaler]);
    title(['User ' num2str(userNum) ', Stream ' num2str(i)]);
    xlabel('Real'); ylabel('Imag');
