www.gusucode.com > vnt工具箱matlab源码程序 > vnt/vnt/+can/+ni/+xnet/NIXNET.m

    classdef (Hidden) NIXNET
% NIXNET National Instruments NI-XNET library function wrapping class.
%   This class wraps and presents the functions available in the
%   National Instruments NI-XNET library. This is meant for internal
%   use only and applies no input validation. It does perform output
%   validation on each call though and will error should any function fail.

% Authors: JDP
% Copyright 2013-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
methods (Static)

    function SessionRef = nxSystemOpen()
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, SessionRef] = mexNIXNET('nxSystemOpen');
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxSystemOpen');
    function nxSystemClose(SessionRef)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxSystemClose', SessionRef);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxSystemClose');
    function SessionRef = nxCreateSession(DatabaseName, ClusterName, List, Interface, Mode)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, SessionRef] = mexNIXNET('nxCreateSession', DatabaseName, ClusterName, List, Interface, Mode);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxCreateSession');
    function nxClear(SessionRef)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxClear', SessionRef);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxClear');
    function DatabaseRef = nxdbOpenDatabase(DatabaseName)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, DatabaseRef] = mexNIXNET('nxdbOpenDatabase', DatabaseName);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxdbOpenDatabase');
    function nxdbCloseDatabase(DatabaseRef, CloseAllRefs)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxdbCloseDatabase', DatabaseRef, CloseAllRefs);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxdbCloseDatabase');
    function nxConnectTerminals(SessionRef, source, destination)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxConnectTerminals', SessionRef, source, destination);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxConnectTerminals');
    function nxDisconnectTerminals(SessionRef, source, destination)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxDisconnectTerminals', SessionRef, source, destination);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxDisconnectTerminals');
    function PropertyValue = nxGetProperty(SessionRef, PropertyID, PropertyStyle)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, PropertyValue] = mexNIXNET('nxGetProperty', SessionRef, PropertyID, PropertyStyle);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxGetProperty');
    function PropertySize = nxGetPropertySize(SessionRef, PropertyID)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, PropertySize] = mexNIXNET('nxGetPropertySize', SessionRef, PropertyID);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxGetPropertySize');
    function nxSetProperty(SessionRef, PropertyID, PropertyValue)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        status = mexNIXNET('nxSetProperty', SessionRef, PropertyID, PropertyValue);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxSetProperty');
    function [state, fault] = nxReadState(SessionRef, StateID)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        [status, state, fault] = mexNIXNET('nxReadState', SessionRef, StateID);
        % Check the return status for an error condition.
        can.ni.xnet.NIXNET.checkStatus(status, 'nxReadState');
        % Perform any conversions or adjustments needed on the output.
        switch StateID
            case can.ni.xnet.Utility.nxState_CANComm
                % Convert some of the numeric status values to more usable
                % string values.
                state.CommunicationState = can.ni.xnet.Utility.nxCANComm_Get_CommState_Values(state.CommunicationState);
                state.LastError = can.ni.xnet.Utility.nxCANComm_Get_LastErr_Values(state.LastError);
            case {can.ni.xnet.Utility.nxState_TimeCurrent, ...
                  can.ni.xnet.Utility.nxState_TimeCommunicating, ...
                % Check for a value of 0, which means no time is set.
                if state == 0
                    % Return an empty datetime object as there is no time
                    % to report.
                    state = datetime.empty();
                    % Convert to MATLAB datetime objects. Per NI documenation,
                    % time is reported as time in 100 ns increments since Jan 1, 
                    % 1601 12:00 AM UTC
                    dt = datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
                    dt.TimeZone = 'UTC';
                    % Add the 100 ns increments to the time as milliseconds.
                    dt = dt + milliseconds(double(state) * 100 * 1e-6);
                    % Adjust the timezone of the object to the current time
                    % zone of the system.
                    dt.TimeZone = datetime().SystemTimeZone;
                    % Return the final datetime object.
                    state = dt;
    function string = nxStatusToString(status)
        % Call the vendor driver function.
        string = mexNIXNET('nxStatusToString', status);
    function checkStatus(status, functionName)
    % checkStatus Tests the result of the vendor driver call.
    %   This method is used to validate the results of calling a vendor
    %   driver function. It throws an error if the call failed. The error
    %   will contain information from the driver on the failure mode.
    %   The function inputs are as follows:
    %       status - The vendor driver function returned status code.
    %       functionName - The name of the vendor driver function whose
    %           status is being checked.
        % Throw error on a failed function call.
        if status ~= 0
            error(message('vnt:Channel:VendorDriverError', ...
                'National Instruments NI-XNET', ...
                functionName, ...
                dec2hex(bitcmp(abs(status) - 1, 'uint32')), ...
