www.gusucode.com > visionhdl工具箱matlab源码程序 > visionhdl/visionhdlexamples/html/HistogramEqualizationHDLExample.m

    %% Histogram Equalization
% This example shows how to use the Vision HDL Toolbox Histogram library block
% to implement histogram equalization.
% Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% The model shows how to use the Histogram library block to
% enhance the contrast of images by applying the histogram equalization.
% To learn more about the Histogram block, refer to the
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','visionhdl','visionhdl.map'),'visionhdlhistogram')
% documentation>.
% There are three components in this histogram equalization
% example. 
% * *Video Partition* partitions a big image into four 
% non-overlapping small images for parallel histogram computation.
% * *HDLHistogram* computes the accumulated histogram of the image.
% * *Equalization* applies the equalized histogram to the original image
% and generates the contrast-enhanced image.

modelname = 'HistogramEqualizationHDLExample';
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'on');
set(allchild(0),'Visible', 'off');
%% Video Partition
% There are use cases where histogram is computed over an entire image, or
% over small regions-of-interest representing sections of the image.
% Computing histogram of a big image is time consuming. The video partition
% component in this example divides a big image into four non-overlapping
% small images. Histogram is computed over the four small images
% simultaneously. Each input frame is partitioned into four 120 by 160
% small images. Each small image is connected to a Frame To Pixels block to
% generate pixel streams and corresponding control signals.

open_system([modelname '/Video partition']);
close_system([modelname '/Video partition']);

%% HDLHistogram
% *HDLHistogram* subsystem is optimized for HDL code generation. The
% histogram of the pixel streams is computed using the Vision HDL Toolbox
% Histogram library block. Because the input image is grey scale with
% data type uint8, the input pixels are grouped into 256 bins. The model
% reads the calculated histogram bins sequentially once the block asserts
% the _readRdy_ signal. The bin values are sent for cumulative histogram
% calculation. After all 256 bin values are read, the model asserts
% _binReset_ to reset all bins to zero. The collected histogram of each
% small image is then added together to compute the accumulated histogram
% of the big image.

open_system([modelname '/HDLHistogram/histComp1']);
close_system([modelname '/HDLHistogram/histComp1']);
% The timing diagram of reading and resetting the histogram bins is
% shown in the following figure. 
% <<visionhdlhisteqtiming.PNG>>
%% Equalization
% Histogram equalization can be applied to the current frame where the
% accumulated histogram was calculated, or the frame after. If applying to
% the current frame,  the input video needs to be stored. This example
% delays the input video by one frame and performs uniform equalization
% to the original video. The equalized video is then 
% compared with the original video.
% <<visionhdlhisteqcomparison.PNG>>
%% HDL Code Generation
% The HDL code generated from the Histogram was synthesized using Xilinx
% ISE on a Virtex6 (XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156) FPGA, and the circuit ran at about
% 190 MHz, which is sufficient to process the data in real time.
% To check and generate HDL code of this example, you must have an HDL
% Coder(TM) license.
% You can use the commands *makehdl*(HistogramEqualizationHDLExample/HDLHistogram) and
% *makehdltb*(HistogramEqualizationHDLExample/HDLHistogram)
%  to generate HDL code and testbench for the HDLHistogram subsystem.
% *Note:* Test bench generation takes a long time due to the large data size. You
% may want to reduce the simulation time before generating the test bench.
