www.gusucode.com > trading工具箱matlab源码程序 > trading/trading/@fixflyer/addListener.m

    function listener = addListener(f,cb)
%ADDLISTENER Add listener to FIX Flyer object.
%   L = ADDLISTENER(F,CB) adds the event handling listener, CB, to the 
%   FIXFlyer object, F.  L is the listener handle.
%   For example,
%   f = fixflyer('guest','guest','',7002);
%   listener = addListener(f,@(~,e)fixExampleListener(e));
%   f.SessionID = flyer.core.session.SessionID('Alpha','Beta','FIX.4.4');
%   f.FlyerApplicationManager.registerFIXSession( flyer.apps.FixSessionSubscription(f.SessionID,true,0));
%   f.FlyerApplicationManager.connect();
%   f.FlyerApplicationManager.start();
%   Note the input e to the function handle represents the event data 
%   that is generated by the FIXFlyer API and does not need to be
%   defined by the user.

%   Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Instantiate class with ApplicationMessageListener implementation
t = tradingFIXFlyer;

% Assign callback function to listener handle
listener = addlistener(t.getCallback,'delayed',cb);

% Assign listener to FIX Flyer application