www.gusucode.com > trading工具箱matlab源码程序 > trading/trading/@fixflyer/orderInfo.m

    function orderData = orderInfo(f,varargin)
%ORDERINFO FIX Flyer order status and information.
%   ORDERDATA = ORDERINFO(F) returns information for all orders
%   associated with the FIX Flyer connection object, F.
%   ORDERDATA = ORDERINFO(F,REST) returns the information for the
%   orders defined by the rest command, REST.   The valid values of REST are
%   'all'    - (default) get information for all orders.
%   'closed' - get information for closed orders. 
%   'open'   - get information for open orders.
%   ORDERDATA = ORDERINFO(F,REST,ID) returns information for the orders
%   described the input parameter ID.   The valid values of REST in this
%   case are
%   'clientorderid' - returns information for orders associated with a given client id.
%   'orderstatus'   - returns information for orders with a given order status.
%   'securityid'    - returns information for orders with a given security id.
%   'symbol'        - returns information for orders with a given symbol.
%   For example,
%   orderData = orderInfo(f,'open')
%   returns a MATLAB table with information for all open orders.
%   orderData = orderInfo(f,'symbol','XYZ') 
%   returns information for all orders for the symbol XYZ.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Build url prefix given ipaddress and port
urlPrefix = ['http://' f.Ipaddress ':' num2str(f.RestPort) '/rest/orders/'];

% Default rest call is get all orders
if nargin == 1
  restCall = 'all';
  restCall = varargin{1};

% Build url suffix
switch lower(restCall)
  case 'all'
    urlSuffix = 'getAll';
  case 'clientorderid'
    urlSuffix = ['getByClientOrderId?clientOrderId=' varargin{2}]; 

  case 'closed'
    urlSuffix = 'getClosed';

  case 'open'
    urlSuffix = 'getOpen';
  case 'orderstatus'
    urlSuffix = ['getByOrderStatus?orderStatus=' varargin{2}]; 
  case 'securityid'
    urlSuffix = ['getBySecurityId?securityId=' varargin{2}]; 
  case 'symbol'
    urlSuffix = ['getBySymbol?symbol=' varargin{2}]; 

% Request order information
url = [urlPrefix urlSuffix];
orderData = webread(url);