www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@single/dawson.m

    function y = dawson(x)
% DAWSON  Dawson's integral
%    Y = DAWSON(X) represents Dawson's integral, which is defined as: 
%       dawson(x) = exp(-x^2)*int(exp(t^2),t,[0,x]).
%    It returns the special values  
%       dawson(0) = 0,
%       dawson(inf) = 0,
%       dawson(-inf) = 0. 
%    For all other symbolic values of x, unevaluated function calls are 
%    returned.
%   See also ERF, ERFC.
%   Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

y = sym.useSymForNumeric(@dawson, x);