www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/diag.m

    function D = diag(A,offset)
%DIAG   Create or extract symbolic diagonals.
%   DIAG(V,K), where V is a row or column vector with N components,
%   returns a square sym matrix of order N+ABS(K) with the
%   elements of V on the K-th diagonal. K = 0 is the main
%   diagonal, K > 0 is above the main diagonal and K < 0 is
%   below the main diagonal.
%   DIAG(V) simply puts V on the main diagonal.
%   DIAG(X,K), where X is a sym matrix, returns a column vector
%   formed from the elements of the K-th diagonal of X.
%   DIAG(X) is the main diagonal of X.
%   Examples:
%      v = [a b c]
%      Both diag(v) and diag(v,0) return
%         [ a, 0, 0 ]
%         [ 0, b, 0 ]
%         [ 0, 0, c ]
%      diag(v,-2) returns
%         [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
%         [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
%         [ a, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
%         [ 0, b, 0, 0, 0 ]
%         [ 0, 0, c, 0, 0 ]
%      A =
%         [ a, b, c ]
%         [ 1, 2, 3 ]
%         [ x, y, z ]
%      diag(A) returns
%         [ a ]
%         [ 2 ]
%         [ z ]
%      diag(A,1) returns
%         [ b ]
%         [ 3 ]

%   Copyright 2013-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin == 1
    offset = 0; 

if isa(offset, 'sym')
% overloading by second argument
    D = diag(A, double(offset));

if ~isscalar(offset) || ...
        ~(isnumeric(offset) && round(offset) == offset && isreal(offset))

args = privResolveArgs(A);
Asym = formula(args{1});

if isempty(Asym)
    D = sym(diag(double(Asym),double(offset)));
    D = reshape(1:numel(Asym),size(Asym));
    Ind = diag(D,offset);
    if isvector(Ind)
        D = privsubsref(Asym,Ind);
        D = sym(zeros(size(Ind)));
        D = privsubsasgn(D,sym(Asym),find(Ind ~= 0));

D = privResolveOutput(D,A);