www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/eig.m

    function [V,D,p] = eig(A)
%EIG    Symbolic eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
%   With one output argument, LAMBDA = EIG(A) is a symbolic vector 
%   containing the eigenvalues of a square symbolic matrix A.
%   With two output arguments, [V,D] = EIG(A) returns a matrix V whose
%   columns are eigenvectors and a diagonal matrix D containing eigenvalues.
%   If the resulting V is the same size as A, then A has a full set of
%   linearly independent eigenvectors which satisfy A*V = V*D.
%   With three output arguments, [V,D,P] also returns P, a vector of indices
%   whose length is the total number of linearly independent eigenvectors,
%   so that A*V = V*D(P,P).  If A is n-by-n, then V is n-by-m where n is
%   the sum of the algebraic multiplicities and m is the sum of the geometric
%   multiplicities.
%   LAMBDA = EIG(VPA(A)) and [V,D] = EIG(VPA(A)) compute numeric eigenvalues
%   and eigenvectors using variable precision arithmetic.  If A does not
%   have a full set of eigenvectors, the columns of V will not be linearly
%   independent.
%   Examples:
%      [v,lambda] = eig([a,b,c; b,c,a; c,a,b])
%      R = sym(rosser);
%      eig(R)
%      [v,lambda] = eig(R)
%      eig(vpa(R))
%      [v,lambda] = eig(vpa(R))
%      A = sym(gallery(5)) does not have a full set of eigenvectors.
%      [v,lambda,p] = eig(A) produces only one eigenvector.

%   Copyright 1993-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

if builtin('numel',A) ~= 1,  A = normalizesym(A);  end
if any(reshape(~isfinite(A),[],1))
elseif all(size(formula(A)) == 1)
   % Monoelemental matrix
   if nargout < 2
      V = A;
      V = sym(1);
      D = A;
      p = 1;
elseif nargout < 2
    V = privUnaryOp(A, 'symobj::eigenvalues');
    % Eigensystem
    [Vsym,Dsym,p] = mupadmexnout('symobj::eigenvectors',A);
    V = privResolveOutput(Vsym, A);
    D = privResolveOutput(Dsym, A);
    p = double(p);
    p = p(:).';