www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/isfinite.m

    function y = isfinite(x)
%ISFINITE True for finite elements of symbolic arrays.
%   ISFINITE(X) returns an array that contains 1's where
%   the elements of X are finite and 0's where they are not.
%   For example, isfinite(sym([pi NaN Inf -Inf])) is [1 0 0 0].
%   For any X, exactly one of ISFINITE(X), ISINF(X), or ISNAN(X)
%   is 1 for each element.
%   See also SYM/ISINF, SYM/ISNAN.

x = privResolveArgs(x);
y = logical(feval(symengine, 'symobj::map', x{1}, 'stdlib::isfinite'));