www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/vpa.m

    function r = vpa(s,d)
%VPA    Variable precision arithmetic.
%   R = VPA(S) numerically evaluates each element of S using variable
%   precision floating point arithmetic with D decimal digit accuracy,
%   where D is the current setting of DIGITS. R is a SYM.
%   VPA(S,D) uses D digits, instead of the current setting of DIGITS.
%   D is an integer or the SYM representation of a number.
%   Examples:
%      phi = sym('(1+sqrt(5))/2');      % phi is the "golden ratio".
%      vpa(phi,75) is a string containing 75 digits of phi.
%      vpa(sym(pi),1919)                  is a screen full of pi.
%      vpa(sym('exp(pi*sqrt(163))'),36)   shows an "almost integer".
%      vpa(sym(hilb(2)),5) returns
%      [    1., .50000]
%      [.50000, .33333]
%   See also DOUBLE, DIGITS, SUBS.

%   Copyright 1993-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin == 2
    d = formula(sym(d));
    args = privResolveArgs(s, d);
    if nargin == 2
        oldd = digits;
        tmp = onCleanup(@()digits(oldd));
    args = privResolveArgs(s);
rSym = mupadmex('symobj::float',args{1}.s);
r = privResolveOutput(rSym, args{1});