www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/vpaintegral.m

    function y = vpaintegral(varargin)
%VPAINTEGRAL  Numerical integration of symbolic expressions.
%    Q = VPAINTEGRAL(FUN,XMIN,XMAX) approximates the integral of function 
%    FUN from XMIN to XMAX by variable precision arithmetic using global
%    adaptive quadrature and default error tolerances.
%    FUN must be a symbolic expression or an array of symbolic expressions.
%    If FUN contains more than one symbolic variable, the input syntax
%    Q = VPAINTEGRAL(FUN,X,XMIN,XMAX) should be used to indicate the 
%    variable X that serves as the integration variable.
%    XMIN and XMAX can be symbolic numbers or double numbers or -Inf or
%    Inf. If both are finite, they can be complex. If at least one is
%    complex, VPAINTEGRAL approximates the path integral from XMIN to 
%    XMAX over a straight line path.
%    The available options are
%    'AbsTol', absolute error tolerance
%    'RelTol', relative error tolerance
%        VPAINTEGRAL attempts to satisfy |Q-I|<=max(AbsTol,RelTol*|Q|),
%        where I denotes the exact value of the integral. Usually RelTol
%        determines the accuracy of the integration. However, if |Q| is
%        sufficiently small, AbsTol determines the accuracy of the
%        integration, instead. The default value of AbsTol is 1e-10, and
%        the default value of RelTol is 1e-6. The value of AbsTol must
%        be nonnegative, the value of RelTol must be positive.
%    'Waypoints', vector of integration waypoints
%        If FUN has discontinuities or singularities in the interval of 
%        integration, the locations should be supplied as a 'Waypoints' 
%        vector. If XMIN, XMAX, or any entry of the waypoints vector is
%        complex, the integration is performed over a sequence of straight 
%        line paths in the complex plane, from XMIN to the first waypoint, 
%        from the first waypoint to the second, and so forth, and finally 
%        from the last waypoint to XMAX.
%    'MaxFunctionCalls', maximal number of evaluations of FUN 
%        The numerical integration gives up and throws an error if the
%        number of internal FUN evaluations exceeds this value. The value 
%        of this option must be a positive integer or Inf. The default 
%        value is 10^5.
%    If any of FUN, XMIN, XMAX, or the 'Waypoints' vector contain a
%    symbolic variable other than the integration variable, then a 
%    symbolic call of VPAINTEGRAL is returned. When several symbolic
%    variables are present, it is recommended to use the input syntax
%    VPAINTEGRAL(FUN,X,XMIN,XMAX) in which the integration variable X
%    is explicitly specified. Higher dimensional integrals can be
%    computed by nested calls such as
%    vpaintegral(vpaintegral(FUN(X,Y),Y,YMIN(X),YMAX(X)),X,XMIN,XMAX).
%    Examples:
%        % Integrate f(x) = exp(-x^2)*log(x)^2 from 0 to infinity.
%        syms x;
%        f = exp(-x^2)*log(x)^2;
%        Q = vpaintegral(f,0,Inf)
%        Q =
%         1.94752
%        % Specify tolerances.
%        Q = vpaintegral(sin(x)/x^3,1,Inf,'AbsTol',1e-16,'RelTol',1e-10)
%        Q =
%        0.3785300171
%        % Integrate f(x) = 1/(2*x-1) in the complex plane over the
%        % closed triangular path from 0 to 1+1i to 1-1i to 0. The 
%        % result changes its sign when the orientation of the path
%        % is reverted.
%        Q = vpaintegral(1/(2*x-1),0,0,'Waypoints',[1+1i,1-1i])
%        Q =
%        1.11022e-16 - 3.14159i
%        Q = vpaintegral(1/(2*x-1),0,0,'Waypoints',[1-1i,1+1i])
%        Q =
%        1.11022e-16 + 3.14159i
%        % Integrate the vector-valued function sin((1:5)*x) from 0 to pi.
%        Q = vpaintegral(sin((1:5)*x),0,pi)
%        Q =
%        [ 2.0, 0, 0.666667, -1.08996e-16, 0.4]
%        % Use a parameter c in the integrand. The integration variable x
%        % is specified explicitly. The result cannot be computed 
%        % numerically because of the symbolic parameter.
%        syms f(x,c)
%        f(x,c) = 1/(x^3-2*x-c);
%        Q = vpaintegral(f,x,0,2)
%        Q(c) =
%        vpaintegral(-1/(- x^3 + 2*x + c), x, 0, 2)
%        % Multiple integration over the triangular region 0<=x<=1,|y|<x.
%        syms x y;
%        Q = vpaintegral(vpaintegral(sin(x-y)/(x-y),y,[-x,x]),x,[0,1])
%        Q =
%        0.89734

%   Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

k = find(cellfun(@ischar, varargin), 1);
if isempty(k)
 [fun, x, a, b] = parseFunctionVariableBounds(varargin{:});
elseif k >= 3 
 [fun, x, a, b] = parseFunctionVariableBounds(varargin{1:min(k-1,4)});
else % k = 2

if ~sym.isVariable(x)
  error(message('symbolic:sym:int:InvalidIntegrationVariable', char(x)));
p = inputParser;
p.addParameter('RelTol', 1.0e-06, @(x) ~ischar(x) && isscalar(x) && isnumeric(double(x)) && logical(x>0));
p.addParameter('AbsTol', 1.0e-10, @(x) ~ischar(x) && isscalar(x) && isnumeric(double(x)) && logical(x>=0));
p.addParameter('Waypoints', sym([]), @(x) ~ischar(x) && (isempty(x) || isvector(sym(x))));
p.addParameter('MaxFunctionCalls', sym(100000), ...
                                  @(x) ~ischar(x) && isscalar(x) && (sym(x) == sym(Inf) || isPositiveInteger(sym(x))));
% Allow option 'ArrayValued' of the Core Matlab 'integral' routine, but ignore it. 
p.addParameter('ArrayValued', false);

abstol = double(p.Results.AbsTol);
reltol = double(p.Results.RelTol);
waypoints = sym(p.Results.Waypoints);
maxfuncalls = sym(p.Results.MaxFunctionCalls);

fun = privResolveArgs(sym(fun));
fun = fun{1};

issymfun = isa(fun, 'symfun');
fargs = sym([]);
if issymfun
   fargs = argnames(fun);
   % Eliminate x from the arguments of the symfun
   fargs = privsubsref(fargs, logical(fargs ~= x));
   fun = formula(fun);
if isa(a, 'symfun')
   fargs = union(fargs, argnames(a));
   a = formula(a);
   issymfun = true;
if isa(b, 'symfun')
   fargs = union(fargs, argnames(b));
   b = formula(b);
   issymfun = true;
if isa(waypoints, 'symfun')
   fargs = union(fargs, argnames(waypoints));
   waypoints = formula(waypoints);
   issymfun = true;

if isempty(a) || isempty(b)
  % consistent with integral(@sin, [])
if (isinf(a) && isempty(symvar(a)) && ~isreal(a)) || ...
   (isinf(b) && isempty(symvar(b)) && ~isreal(b))

newDigits = ceil(max(2,log10(1/reltol)));
oldDigits = digits(newDigits + 2);
cleanupObj = onCleanup(@() digits(oldDigits));

if (any(isnan(reshape(fun,[],1))) || isnan(a) || isnan(b))
   ysym = sym(NaN);
elseif ~isfinite(fun)
   ysym = sym(fun);
   ysym = feval(symengine, 'vpaintegral', fun,...
                   [x.s '=' a.s '..' b.s],...
                   ['RelativeError = ' num2str(reltol/100)],...
                   ['AbsoluteError = ' num2str(abstol)],...
                   ['"Waypoints" = ' waypoints.s],...
                   ['MaxCalls = ' maxfuncalls.s]);
   if ysym == evalin(symengine, 'FAIL')

y = privResolveOutput(ysym, fun);

% Reduce the precision of the result to reltol. Thus,
% only the  reliable leading digits become visible.
y = vpa(y);

if issymfun && ~isempty(fargs)
   y = symfun(y, fargs);

% end of function vpaintegral

% ====================================
function [f, x, a, b] = parseFunctionVariableBounds(f, x, a, b, varargin)
%parseFunctionVariableBounds Helper method for argument parsing
% It assists in parsing inputs to a function S with calling syntax
% S(f, 'Option',...)
% S(f, x, 'Option',...)
% S(f, [a b], 'Option',...)
% S(f, a, b, 'Option',...)
% S(f, x, [a b], 'Option',...)
% S(f, x, a, b, 'Option',...)
% where x defaults to symvar(f, 1).

f = sym(f);
x = sym(x);
switch nargin
    case 2
        [a, b] = rangeVector(x);
        if ~isempty(a)
            x = symv(f);
    case 3
        a = sym(a);
        [tmp, b] = rangeVector(a);
        if isa(tmp, 'symfun')
           tmp = formula(tmp);
        if isempty(tmp)
            b = a;
            a = x;
            x = symv(f);
            a = tmp;
    case 4
        a = sym(a);
        b = sym(b);

% ====================================
function X = symv(f)
X = symvar(f, 1);
if isempty(X)
    X = sym('x');
% ====================================
function [a, b] = rangeVector(x)
if isa(x, 'symfun')
   fargs = argnames(x);
   issymfun = true;
   issymfun = false;
x = formula(x);
if isvector(x) && numel(x) == 2
   a = privsubsref(x,1);
   b = privsubsref(x,2);
   a = [];
   b = [];
if issymfun && ~isempty(fargs)
   a = symfun(a, fargs);
   b = symfun(b, fargs);