www.gusucode.com > symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@symfun/fold.m

    function result = fold(F, v, initialvalue)
% FOLD Apply a binary function left-associatively to a vector
%   FOLD(F, V, INITIALVALUE) iteratively computes 
%   RES = F(V(1), V(2))
%   RES = F(RES, V(3)) 
%   ....
%   RES = F(RES, V(END))
%   and, finally, returns RES. If V is empty, INITIALVALUE is returned. 
%   For non-empty V, the third argument INITIALVALUE may be left out.
%   Example: 
%   syms x
%   fold(@or, x == 1:3) gives x == 1 | x==2 | x==3
%   fold(@and, [], true) gives true   
%   fold(@intersect, {[1, 3], [2, 3, 29], [3, 1, 17]}) gives 3
%   See also PROD, SUM.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

if isa(F, 'symfun')

if isa(v, 'symfun')
    if nargin == 3
        result = symfun(fold(F, formula(v), initialvalue), argnames(v));
        result = symfun(fold(F, formula(v)), argnames(v));
elseif isempty(v) 
    % no overloading by F or v, thus initialvalue is a symfun
    result = initialvalue;
    % initialvalue can be left out
    result = fold(F, v);