www.gusucode.com > private工具箱matlab源码程序 > private/get_custom_code_settings.m

    function customCodeSettings = get_custom_code_settings(targetId,parentTargetId, notTypingCustomIR)

% notTypingCustomIR flag is to see if we are typing custom code.
% Because if we do then get_custom_code_settings goes through different
% code path
  if nargin < 3
    notTypingCustomIR = true;

% Assumption: parent model and child model have the same targetName

  relevantTargetId = targetId;
  targetName       = sf('get', targetId, 'target.name');
  machineId        = sf('get', targetId, 'target.machine');
  machineName      = sf('get', machineId, 'machine.name');
  isLib            = sf('get', machineId,'machine.isLibrary');
  isRTW            = strcmp(targetName, 'rtw');

  customCodeSettings.customSourceCode  = '';
  customCodeSettings.machineId = machineId;
  customCodeSettings.parseCC = false;

  % targets other than sfun and rtw: custom target or hdl target
  if ~isRTW && ~strcmp(targetName, 'sfun')
    if isLib && ~sf('get',targetId,'.useLocalCustomCodeSettings')
      relevantTargetId = parentTargetId;
    customCodeSettings.relevantTargetId  = relevantTargetId;
    customCodeSettings.customCode        = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.customCode');
    customCodeSettings.customSourceCode  = '';
    customCodeSettings.userIncludeDirs   = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.userIncludeDirs');
    customCodeSettings.userSources       = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.userSources');
    customCodeSettings.userLibraries     = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.userLibraries');
    customCodeSettings.reservedNames     = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.reservedNames');
    customCodeSettings.customInitializer = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.customInitializer');
    customCodeSettings.customTerminator  = sf('get',relevantTargetId,'target.customTerminator');

  cs = getActiveConfigSet(machineName);  

  if isLib
    % Change the config set to the main model's config set if we need to pull from the main model
    if isRTW
      useMainModelSettings = strcmp(get_param(cs, 'RTWUseLocalCustomCode'), 'off');
      useMainModelSettings = strcmp(get_param(cs, 'SimUseLocalCustomCode'), 'off');

    if useMainModelSettings
      relevantTargetId = parentTargetId;
      machineId = sf('get', parentTargetId, 'target.machine');
      cs = getActiveConfigSet(sf('get', machineId, 'machine.name'));
      customCodeSettings.machineId = machineId;
  customCodeSettings.relevantTargetId  = relevantTargetId;
  % ISSUE: Note that the SimParseCustomCode flag is not visible on libraries. 
  % Ideally, we should get rid of the custom code settings on libraries. If not, 
  % then we should at least replicate this flag on the library configset as well.
  % Additionally, the RTW custom code panel should also have an identical flag.
  % Note that we are currently pulling the custom code from the appropriate configset.
  % If a library is set to pull from the local configset, then this probably means
  % that the user has no visual means to set the parse custom code flag.
  customCodeSettings.parseCC = strcmp(get_param(cs, 'SimParseCustomCode'), 'on');

  useRTWCustomCodePanel = strcmp(get_param(cs, 'RTWUseSimCustomCode'), 'off'); 

  % Return an empty customCodeSettings in following cases:
  %      1) if we are generating RTW code for non-lib charts and we are not trying 
  %              to TYPE custom code
  %      2) if we are generating RTW code for lib charts but the chart is set to use
  %             main machine's custom code settings
  if isRTW && notTypingCustomIR && (~isLib || useMainModelSettings)
        customCodeSettings.customCode        = '';
        customCodeSettings.customSourceCode  = '';
        customCodeSettings.userIncludeDirs   = '';
        customCodeSettings.userSources       = '';
        customCodeSettings.userLibraries     = '';
        customCodeSettings.reservedNames     = '';
        customCodeSettings.customInitializer = '';
        customCodeSettings.customTerminator  = '';
  elseif isRTW && useRTWCustomCodePanel
        customCodeSettings.customCode        = get_param(cs, 'CustomHeaderCode');
        customCodeSettings.customSourceCode  = get_param(cs, 'CustomSourceCode');
        customCodeSettings.userIncludeDirs   = get_param(cs, 'CustomInclude');
        customCodeSettings.userSources       = get_param(cs, 'CustomSource');
        customCodeSettings.userLibraries     = get_param(cs, 'CustomLibrary');
        customCodeSettings.reservedNames     = get_param(cs, 'ReservedNames');
        customCodeSettings.customInitializer = get_param(cs, 'CustomInitializer');
        customCodeSettings.customTerminator  = get_param(cs, 'CustomTerminator');
    % sfun target
    if (slfeature('LegacyCodeIntegration') == 1)
      [customCodeSettings, ~] = legacycode.util.lci_getSettings(machineName, false);
      customCodeSettings.relevantTargetId  = relevantTargetId;
      customCodeSettings.machineId = machineId;   
      customCodeSettings.parseCC = strcmp(get_param(cs, 'SimParseCustomCode'), 'on');   
      customCodeSettings.customCode        = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomHeaderCode');
      customCodeSettings.customSourceCode  = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomSourceCode');
      customCodeSettings.userIncludeDirs   = get_param(cs, 'SimUserIncludeDirs');
      customCodeSettings.userSources       = get_param(cs, 'SimUserSources');
      customCodeSettings.userLibraries     = get_param(cs, 'SimUserLibraries');
      customCodeSettings.customCompilerFlags = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomCompilerFlags');
      customCodeSettings.customLinkerFlags   = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomLinkerFlags');
      customCodeSettings.reservedNames     = get_param(cs, 'SimReservedNames');
      customCodeSettings.customInitializer = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomInitializer');
      customCodeSettings.customTerminator  = get_param(cs, 'SimCustomTerminator');