www.gusucode.com > rmidemos工具箱matlab源码程序 > rmidemos/slvnvdemo_mfile_traceability.m

    %% Traceability Associations for MATLAB File Contents
% This example shows how to create and manage traceability associations for
% MATLAB(R) code lines in MATLAB files, using the Requirements Management
% Interface (RMI). This is similar to creating traceability associations
% for MATLAB code lines in MATLAB Function blocks in Simulink(R) models, as
% shown in the example <matlab:showdemo('slvnvdemo_matlab_traceability')
% Traceability with MATLAB Code Lines in Simulink>.
% You can create traceability associations with all document types 
% supported by the RMI, including bidirectional linking with Microsoft(R) 
% Word and Microsoft(R) Excel documents.
% Use traceability associations for MATLAB files when, for example, your
% MATLAB algorithm is explained in an external Word document, your MATLAB
% computation relies on data loaded from an external Excel file, or your
% MATLAB code implements test cases for Simulink models.
% Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create Traceability Associations Between Code Lines in Different MATLAB Files
% Open the |<matlab:edit('sudoku_solver') sudoku_solver>| example script.
% Notice the |sudoku_default()| call at
% <matlab:rmicodenavigate('sudoku_solver','735515.1') line 24>.
% MATLAB supports navigation from the call site to the called function implementation.
% To open the |sudoku_default()| function in the MATLAB Editor, right-click
% on the function call text |suduko_default|. From the context menu, select _Open "sudoku_default"_.
% Now suppose you want to point from |sudoku_default()| function contents
% back to the call site without adding comments to MATLAB files. To do
% this, create a traceability association between the two files.
% * Near the top of
% <matlab:edit('sudoku_default') sudoku_default> function code, select the
% text |suduko_solver|. Right-click on the selected text.
% * In the context menu, select *Requirements Traceability* > *Open
% Link Editor*.
% <<mldemo_link_editor_menu.png>>
% * In the Link Editor dialog box, click *New*.
% * For *Document type*, select |MATLAB|.
% * In the MATLAB Editor, switch to the <matlab:edit('sudoku_solver')
% sudoku_solver.m file>. Select the line that says |<matlab:rmicodenavigate('sudoku_solver','735515.1') current =
% sudoku_default()>|.
% * In the Link Editor, click *Use current*.
% <<mldemo_link_editor_dlg.png>>
% In the *Document* field, _sudoku_solver_ appears.
% * Click *OK*.
% In the <matlab:edit('sudoku_default') sudoku_default.m file>, notice orange highlighting on the line you previously selected.
% * Right-click on the highlighted line. In the context menu, select *Requirements Traceability* > *1. current = sudoku_default()*.
% <matlab:edit('sudoku_solver') sudoku_solver> file comes to the front
% with the call site highlighted.
% <<mldemo_link_highlighted.png>>
% If you close |sudoku_default.m|, a dialog box appears with options to save or discard the traceability data changes you made.
% To avoid writing in your MATLAB installation directory, do not save
% changes. Click *Discard*.
% <<mldemo_save_links_dlg.png>>

%% Save Traceability Associations for MATLAB Code Lines
% When you create or modify traceability associations for MATLAB code
% lines, you do not modify the MATLAB files themselves. The RMI
% saves traceability data in separate files. The file path and file name of
% a traceability data file matches its corresponding MATLAB code file,
% but the file extension for a traceability data file is |.req|. You cannot 
% modify traceability data for a |.m| file if its corresponding |.req| file 
% is read-only.
% In the previous section, you created traceability associations but did not
% save them. Notice that the |sudoku_solver.req| file is read-only.
% To save your traceability associations, create your own writeable copies 
% of |sudoku_solver.m| and |sudoku_default.m|, then repeat the steps in the
% previous section.
% After you have created traceability assocations, save your
% traceability data changes in one of the following ways:
% # Save your modified writable |.m| file. The corresponding |.req| file is
% also saved.
% # To save traceability data without resaving |.m| file, from the
% *Requirements Traceability* context menu, select *Save Links*.
% <<mldemo_save_links_menu.png>>
% # If you try to close a |.m| file with unsaved traceability data changes,
% a dialog box appears with options for you to save or discard your
% changes. Click *Save*.

%% Create Traceability Associations from MATLAB Code Lines to External Documents
% The example problem in |sudoku_default.m| was copied from the Wikipedia
% page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku.
% To associate this URL with code in the MATLAB file:
% * In the MATLAB Editor, open <matlab:edit('sudoku_default') sudoku_default>.
% * At line 5, in the code comments, right-click on |Wikipedia|.
% * In the context menu, select *Requirements Traceability* > *Open Link Editor*.
% * In the Link Editor dialog box, click *New*.
% * In the *Document* box, enter _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku_.
% * In the *Description* box, enter _Wikipedia article on Sudoku_.
% * Click *OK*.
% In |sudoku_default.m|, the line containing |Wikipedia| is 
% highlighted.
% * Right-click the highlighted code. In the context menu, select *Requirements Traceability*
% > *1. "Wikipedia article on Sudoku"*. This opens the
% webpage in the web browser.
% <<mldemo_web_page.png>>

%% Create Traceability Associations from External Documents to MATLAB Code Lines
% You can establish bidirectional links with Microsoft Word and Excel,
% with IBM Rational DOORS, with Simulink model objects, and any
% custom-defined document type that implements bidirectional linking.
% For this step of our example, you need a writable Microsort Word 
% document to link with (Word uses embedded _bookmarks_ as link targets).
% Please open the included 
% |<matlab:open('sudoku_requirements.docx') sudoku_requirements.docx>| and
% resave with a modified name, for example, |sudoku_requirements_writeable.docx|.
% <<settings_2way.png>>
% Make sure your user settings are configured for bidirectional linking
% by selecting *Modify destination for bidirectional linking*
% in the *Selection Linking* tab of the <matlab:rmi_settings_dlg() Requirements Settings dialog box>,
% or by executing the following command:
%  >> rmipref('BiDirectionalLinking', true)
% * Open |sudoku_requirements_writeable.docx|.
% * Select the line that says
% <matlab:rmi.navigate('linktype_rmi_word','sudoku_requirements_writeable.docx','@NoDigitTwiceInSameRow','') No digit should appear twice in same row>.
% * In the MATLAB Editor, open <matlab:edit('sudoku_solver') sudoku_solver.m>.
% * In the subfunction called <matlab:rmicodenavigate('sudoku_solver','735515.2') putDigit()>,
% select the corresponding statement: 
% |<matlab:rmicodenavigate('sudoku_solver','735515.3') if any(current(row,:)==digit)>|.
% * Right-click on your selection. In the context menu, select *Requirements Traceability* 
% > *Link to Selection in Word*.
% In the MATLAB Editor, orange highlighting appears on the linked code
% lines. 
% In the Word document, a navigation icon is inserted next to the
% corresponding requirement description.
% * To navigate from the requirement description to the associated code, 
% in the Word document, click the navigation icon.
% In the MATLAB Editor, the associated code is highlighted.
% <<mldemo_two_way.png>>

%% More Things to Try with Same Example Files
% # Use the steps in the previous section to link all requirements in your copy of
% |sudoku_requirements_writeable.docx| to corresponding lines in
% <matlab:open('sudoku_solver.m') sudoku_solver.m>.
% # Use the *Link Editor* dialog box to create traceability associations
% between the two URLs in lines 10-13 of <matlab:open('sudoku_solver.m') sudoku_solver.m> with the
% corresponding web pages.

%% Review Requirements Traceability Associations
% Besides the background highlighting in the code pane, linked locations
% are indicated in the right-hand-side message panel. You can hover over
% the orange indicator to view the link labels, click to scroll
% to the linked range, or click *Edit Links* to open the *Link Editor* dialog box.
% <<mldemo_link_markers.png>>
% When the Simulink Verification and Validation license is available, the
% RMI supports Requirements Traceability report generation. To generate
% a report for a single MATLAB file, use the |rmi('report', M_FILE_PATH)|
% command:
%  >> rmi('report', 'L:\Work\rmidemos\sudoku_default.m')
% To generate reports for all MATLAB files in the current Simulink Project, 
% enter the following command:
%  >> rmi('projectreport')
% <<mldemo_req_report.png>>
%% When MATLAB Files Are Renamed
% If you save a |.m| file with traceability data to a new name or to a new
% location, the corresponding |.req| file is duplicated accordingly.
% Traceability associations from this |.m| file to other MATLAB files or
% external documents remain valid. Traceability associations to this |.m|
% file from external documents might become stale.
