www.gusucode.com > rmidemos工具箱matlab源码程序 > rmidemos/slvnvdemo_powerwindow_report.m

    %% How to Include Linked Requirements Details in Generated Report
% The requirements report is a feature in RMI that scans the Simulink model
% for links to external requirements documents and generates a report. 
% When documents are available for reading during requirements report
% generation, you have an option to insert referenced document fragments
% into the generated content to produce a more detailed report.

% Copyright 2011-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Open Example Model and Load RMI Links Data.
% This example uses the Power Window Controller model and relies on an
% externally stored set of links. 
% See <matlab:showdemo('slvnvdemo_powerwindow_external') Managing Requirements Without Modifying Simulink Model Files>
% example for a detailed demonstration of external storage feature in RMI.
% Please run the following commands to
% * <matlab:rmipref('StoreDataExternally',true); Enable externally stored links feature>
% * <matlab:rmimap.map(which('slvnvdemo_powerwindowController'),fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','slvnv','rmidemos','powerwin_reqs','slvnvdemo_powerwindowOffice.req'));
% Associate the example model with externally stored RMI data>
% * <matlab:open_system('slvnvdemo_powerwindowController') Open the model>

rmipref('StoreDataExternally', true);
modelPath = which('slvnvdemo_powerwindowController');
reqFilePath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'slvnv', 'rmidemos', 'powerwin_reqs', 'slvnvdemo_powerwindowOffice.req');
rmimap.map(modelPath, reqFilePath);

%% Navigate Links to See Target Content in Documents
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('highlight','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController')
% Highlight the model> to locate objects with links and navigate to
% documents. Included links demonstrate several possible styles of linking
% with Microsoft Office documents:
% * The <matlab:rmidemo_callback('locate','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/control') control chart>
% links to a
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('view','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/control',1) major subheader in the Word document>.
% * Both <matlab:rmidemo_callback('locate',{'slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Truth%20Table','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Truth%20Table1'}) truth tables>
% link so a
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('view','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Truth%20Table',1)
% subheader and a table>.
% * <matlab:rmidemo_callback('locate','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Mux1') driver-side Mux> 
% links to a
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('view','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Mux1',1)
% subheader including some bullet points>.
% * <matlab:rmidemo_callback('locate','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Mux4') passenger-side Mux> 
% links to
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('view','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Mux4',1)
% just a subheader>.

rmi('highlightModel', 'slvnvdemo_powerwindowController');

%% Requirements Report without Document Fragments
% * Uncheck *Include details from linked documents* in the *Report* tab of
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('details',0) Requirements Settings dialog>.
% <<PowerWindow_settingsDetailsOff.png>>
% * <matlab:rmi('report',gcs) Generate a report>. This may take a bit
% longer on the first run.
% * Note that the tables in the report include only short labels
% of links. These are the same string labels you see in the object context
% menus and in the *Link Editor* dialog box.
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsNone.png>>

%% Requirements Report with Documents Content Inserted
% * Select *Include details from linked documents* in *Report* tab of the
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('details',1) Requirements Settings dialog box>.
% <<PowerWindow_settingsDetails.png>>
% * <matlab:rmi('report',gcs) Re-generate the report>.
% * When the target range in a Microsoft Word document 
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('view','slvnvdemo_powerwindowController/Truth%20Table',1) includes a table>, 
% the table is now included in generated report.
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsWordTable.png>>
% * When the target location in Microsoft Word is a subheader, child
% content is included in generated report. Use this feature with caution:
% linking to a major subheader in the document could mean large amounts of
% text are copied from the document into the report.
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsWordParags.png>>
% * When the target location is a range of cells in Microsoft Excel, the
% target worksheet fragment is inserted in the report. 
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsExlTable.png>>
% *  When the target location is a single cell in Microsoft Excel
% worksheet, the content of cells to the right of the target cell is also
% inserted into the report.
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsExlRow.png>>

%% Include IBM Rational DOORS Attributes in RMI Report
% For users linking with IBM Rational DOORS, RMI provides more
% control over which object attributes to include in the
% requirements tables.
% <<PowerWindow_RptDetailsDoors.png>>
% * The default configuration will include DOORS Object Heading, DOORS
% Object Text and all other attributes except: "Created Thru",
% all attributes with empty string values, and
% system attributes that are false. 
% * The list of attribute names to include in generated report is stored as
% part of RMI settings under user _prefdir_.
% * Use the <matlab:help('RptgenRMI.doorsAttribs') RptgenRMI.doorsAttribs
% utility> to include/exclude certain attributes and/or groups of
% attributes.

current_settings = RptgenRMI.doorsAttribs('show')
help RptgenRMI.doorsAttribs

%% Cleanup
% Steps in this example might have created files inside the examples folder
% and modified your stored mapping of |.req| file names. 
% <matlab:rmidemo_callback('cleanup') Click to cleanup>.

close_system('slvnvdemo_powerwindowController', 0);  % close demo model, discard changes if any
tmpfilepath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'slvnv', 'rmidemos', 'slvnvdemo_powerwindowController.mdl');
rmimap.map(tmpfilepath, 'clear');     % forget mdl-to-req mappings
clear tmpfilepath;
