www.gusucode.com > sloptim工具箱matlab源码程序 > sloptim/sloptim/@ResponseOptimizer/@ParamSet/getvars.m

    function [v,dv] = getvars(this)
%GETVARS  Gathers data-holding variables.
%   [ROOTVARS,DEPENDVARS] = GETVARS(D) returns the list ROOTVARS of 
%   variables in the root node D, and the list DEPENDVARS of all 
%   variables in dependent data sets linked to D.

%   Copyright 1986-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Root node variables
% v = get(this.Data_,{'Variable'});
% v = cat(1,v{:});
v = this.Cache_.Variables;

% Dependent variables
if nargout>1
   dv = get(this.Children_,{'LinkedVariables'});
   % REVISIT: workaround empty handles being [0x1] double
   dv = dv(cellfun('length',dv)>0);
   dv = cat(1,dv{:});