www.gusucode.com > robotics 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > robotics/Contents.m

    % Robotics System Toolbox
% Version 1.3 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016
% ROS (Robot Operating System)
%   rosinit            - Initialize the ROS system
%   rosshutdown        - Shut down the ROS system
%   rosmessage         - Create a ROS message
%   rospublisher       - Create a ROS publisher
%   rossubscriber      - Create a ROS subscriber
%   rossvcclient       - Create a ROS service client
%   rossvcserver       - Create a ROS service server
%   rosactionclient    - Create a ROS action client
%   rostype            - View available ROS message types
%   rosaction          - Get information about actions in the ROS network
%   rosmsg             - Get information about messages and message types
%   rosnode            - Get information about nodes in the ROS network
%   rosservice         - Get information about services in the ROS network
%   rostopic           - Get information about topics in the ROS network
%   rosbag             - Open and parse a rosbag log file
%   rosparam           - Get and set values on the parameter server
%   rosrate            - Execute fixed-frequency loop using ROS time
%   rostf              - Receive, send, and apply ROS transformations
%   rosduration        - Create a ROS duration object
%   rostime            - Access ROS time functionality
% Mobile Robotics
%   robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid        - Create an occupancy grid with binary values  
%   robotics.LikelihoodFieldSensorModel - Create a likelihood field range sensor model
%   robotics.MonteCarloLocalization     - Localize a robot with range sensor data and map
%   robotics.OccupancyGrid              - Create an occupancy grid with probabilistic values
%   robotics.OdometryMotionModel        - Create an odometry motion model         
%   robotics.ParticleFilter             - Create a particle filter state estimator                  
%   robotics.PRM                        - Create a probabilistic roadmap path planner                                                   
%   robotics.PurePursuit                - Create a controller to follow a set of waypoints
%   robotics.VectorFieldHistogram       - Avoid obstacles using vector field histogram 
% Robot Manipulators
%   robotics.Joint               - Create a joint
%   robotics.RigidBody           - Create a rigid body
%   robotics.RigidBodyTree       - Create a tree-structured robot
%   robotics.InverseKinematics   - Solve inverse kinematics for rigid body tree
% Coordinate Transformations
%   axang2quat         - Convert axis-angle rotation representation to quaternion
%   axang2rotm         - Convert axis-angle rotation representation to rotation matrix
%   axang2tform        - Convert axis-angle rotation representation to a homogeneous transform
%   cart2hom           - Convert Cartesian coordinates to homogeneous coordinates
%   eul2quat           - Convert Euler angles to quaternion
%   eul2rotm           - Convert Euler angles to rotation matrix
%   eul2tform          - Convert Euler angles to homogeneous transformation
%   hom2cart           - Convert homogeneous coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
%   quat2axang         - Convert quaternion to axis-angle rotation representation
%   quat2eul           - Convert quaternion to Euler angles
%   quat2rotm          - Convert quaternion to rotation matrix
%   quat2tform         - Convert quaternion to homogeneous transformation
%   rotm2axang         - Convert rotation matrix to axis-angle representation
%   rotm2eul           - Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
%   rotm2quat          - Convert rotation matrix to quaternion
%   rotm2tform         - Convert rotation matrix to homogeneous transform
%   tform2axang        - Extract axis-angle rotation from homogeneous transformation
%   tform2eul          - Extract Euler angles from homogeneous transformation
%   tform2quat         - Extract quaternion from homogeneous transformation
%   tform2rotm         - Extract rotation matrix from homogeneous transformation
%   tform2trvec        - Extract translation vector from homogeneous transformation
%   trvec2tform        - Convert translation vector to homogeneous transformation
% Angular Operations
%   angdiff            - Calculate difference between two angles
% Utilities
%   roboticsAddons     - Install add-ons for robotics
%   robotics.Rate      - Execute loop at a fixed frequency
% <a href="matlab:demo('toolbox','Robotics System')">View examples</a> for Robotics System Toolbox.

% Copyright 2013-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.