www.gusucode.com > robotsimulink 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > robotsimulink/robotslros/+robotics/+slros/+internal/+block/SetParameter.m

    classdef SetParameter < robotics.slros.internal.block.ParameterBase
    %This class is for internal use only. It may be removed in the future.
    %SetParameter Set the value for a named ROS parameter
    %   H = robotics.slros.internal.block.SetParameter creates a system
    %   object, H, that sets the value for a named ROS parameter. The list of
    %   all ROS parameters is maintained by the ROS parameter server.
    %   This system object is intended for use with the MATLAB System
    %   block. In order to access the ROS functionality from MATLAB, see
    %   ROSPARAM.
    %   See also robotics.slros.internal.block.GetParameter
    %   Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
    properties (Access = protected)
        %MessageCatalogLibrary - The file for the block's message catalog library
        %   This property is used by the ParameterBase base class to access
        %   the correct message catalog.
        MessageCatalogLibrary = 'setparam'
        %StateHandler - Object handling the state of the parameter value
        %   The handler uses SetParameterScalarState for scalar parameters
        %   and SetParameterArrayState for array parameters.
        function obj = SetParameter(varargin)
            %SetParameter Standard constructor
            % Enable code to be generated even this file is p-coded
            % Support name-value pair arguments when constructing the object.
            setProperties(obj, nargin, varargin{:});
    methods (Access = protected)
        function num = getNumInputsImpl(obj)
            %getNumInputsImpl Get number of inputs
            num = obj.StateHandler.getNumInputsImpl;
        function num = getNumOutputsImpl(~)
            %getNumOutputsImpl Get number of outputs
            num = 0;
    methods (Access = protected)
        %% Common System Object functions
        function setupImpl(obj)
            %setupImpl Model initialization call
            %   setupImpl is called when model is being initialized at the
            %   start of a simulation.
            if coder.target('Rtw')
                % 'Rtw' is executed during model build
                % Include the header file with the C++ declarations
                % Append 0 to obj.ParameterName, since MATLAB doesn't
                % automatically zero-terminate strings in generated code
                zeroDelimName = [obj.ParameterName 0];
                coder.ceval([obj.BlockId '.initialize'], zeroDelimName);
                % All other conditions are treated in base class
        function varargout = getInputNamesImpl(obj)
            %getInputNamesImpl Get the labels for the input ports
            varargout = obj.StateHandler.getInputNamesImpl;
        function stepImpl(obj, varargin)
            %stepImpl System Object step call
            %   STEPIMPL(OBJ, VALUE) is the main processing
            %   loop for this system object if a scalar parameter is set.
            %   STEPIMPL(OBJ, VALUE, ARRAYLENGTH) is the main processing
            %   loop for this system object if a string or numeric array 
            %   parameter is set.
            %   VALUE is the parameter value that should be set on the ROS
            %   parameter server.
            %   ARRAYLENGTH is the length of the array that should be sent.
            %   ARRAYLENGTH must be smaller than the length of the array in
            %   VALUE.
            %   Note that setting a parameter value on the server will be
            %   executed synchronously both in MATLAB and in C++, meaning
            %   that stepImpl will block until the value is set on the
            %   parameter server.
            if coder.target('MATLAB')
                % Interpreted execution
                value = obj.StateHandler.simulationStepImpl(obj.ParameterTypeML, varargin{:});
            else % coder.target('Rtw')
                % Executed in the code-generated model
                obj.StateHandler.codegenStepImpl(obj, varargin{:});
        function validateInputsImpl(obj, varargin)
            %validateInputsImpl Validate and check all inputs to this block
            %   This function is only called once when the model starts up,
            %   not at runtime.
            obj.StateHandler.validateInputsImpl(obj.ParameterTypeML, varargin{:});            

        %% Custom mask visualization functions        
        function maskDisplay = getMaskDisplayImpl(obj)
            %getMaskDisplayImpl Customize the mask icon display
            %   This method is inherited from matlab.system.mixin.internal.CustomIcon
            %   and allows the customization of the mask display code. Note
            %   that this works both for the base mask and for the mask-on-mask
            %   that we are using.
            % Construct the input labels based no the number of inputs
            numInputs = obj.getNumInputsImpl;
            [inputNames{1:numInputs}] = obj.getInputNamesImpl;
            portLabelText = {};
            for i = 1:length(inputNames)
                portLabelText = [portLabelText ['port_label(''input'', ' num2str(i) ', ''' inputNames{i} ''')']]; %#ok<AGROW>
            if length(obj.ParameterName) > 16
                paramNameText = ['text(83, 12, ''' obj.ParameterName ''', ''horizontalAlignment'', ''right'');'];
                paramNameText = ['text(50, 12, ''' obj.ParameterName ''', ''horizontalAlignment'', ''center'');'];
            maskDisplay = { ...
                ['color(''white'');', char(10)], ...                                     % Fix min and max x,y co-ordinates for autoscale mask units
                ['plot([100,100,100,100],[100,100,100,100]);', char(10)], ...
                ['plot([0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]);', char(10)],...
                'color(''blue'')', ...
                'text(20, 90, ''ROS'', ''horizontalAlignment'', ''right'')', ...
                'color(''black'')', ...
                paramNameText, ...
                'text(52, 60, ''Set Parameter'', ''horizontalAlignment'', ''center'');', ...
                portLabelText{:}};  %#ok<CCAT>
        %% Ensure that input cannot change size once system object is locked
        function flag = isInputSizeLockedImpl(~,~)
            %isInputSizeLockedImpl Locked input size status
            %   This function will be called once for each input of the
            %   system block.
            flag = true;
    %% Concrete implementations of abstract ParameterBase methods
    methods(Access = protected)
        function setStateHandler(obj, isScalar)
            %setStateHandler Set the correct state handler object (scalar or array)
            if isScalar
                obj.StateHandler = robotics.slros.internal.block.SetParameterScalarState;
                obj.StateHandler = robotics.slros.internal.block.SetParameterArrayState;
    methods(Static, Access = protected)
        % Note that this is ignored for the mask-on-mask
        function header = getHeaderImpl
            %getHeaderImpl Create mask header
            %   This only has an effect on the base mask.
            header = matlab.system.display.Header(mfilename('class'), ...
                'Title', message('robotics:robotslros:blockmask:SetParameterTitle').getString, ...
                'Text', message('robotics:robotslros:blockmask:SetParameterDescription').getString, ...
                'ShowSourceLink', false);
        % Note that this is ignored for the mask-on-mask
        % This function is important for the promotion of parameters to
        % work correctly.
        function groups = getPropertyGroupsImpl(~)
            %getPropertyGroupsImpl Create property display groups.
            %   This only has an effect on the base mask.
            paramGroup = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title', message('robotics:robotslros:blockmask:ROSParameterPrompt').getString,...
                'PropertyList', {'ParameterSource','ParameterName','ParameterType'});
            otherGroup = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title', message('robotics:robotslros:blockmask:ParametersHeadingPrompt').getString',...
                'PropertyList', {'ModelName', 'BlockId'});
            groups = [paramGroup, otherGroup];