www.gusucode.com > robotsimulink 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > robotsimulink/robotslros/+robotics/+slros/+internal/+bus/ReservedNamesChecker.m

    classdef ReservedNamesChecker
    %This class is for internal use only. It may be removed in the future.
    %  ReservedNamesChecker is a utility class for checking if a ROS 
    %  property name are on a "reserved name" list. Property names that
    %  match a reserved name can be "mangled", which appends an underscore 
    %  to the name.
    %  Usage:
    %    checker = robotics.slros.internal.bus.ReservedNamesChecker.getInstance;
    %    checker.isReserved('Vector')
    %    mangledName = checker.mangleNameIfNeeded('Vector') % returns 'Vector_'
    %   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
    % Details:
    %  When Simulink generates code for a bus structure, it errors out if
    %  any of the bus fields match language keywords (for C, C++, TLC).
    %  Bus property names such as "Vector" and "Matrix" are TLC language
    %  keywords, and hence cause a code-generation error (see g1336418).
    %  This matching is case-sensitive, e.g., bus elements with name
    %  "vector" and "matrix" do NOT cause an error during code generation.
    %  The above error is an issue when mapping ROS messages to Simulink
    %  buses, since ROS message properties can have arbitrary names. 
    %  The strategy for dealing with this issue is the following:
    %   - When creating a bus for a ROS message, check if each property
    %     name is on a "reserved name" list. If it is, use a mangled
    %     variant of the property name in the bus (e.g., the bus will have
    %     an element "Vector_" intead of "Vector"). 
    %   - When converting a ROS message to/from Simulink buses, the
    %     data for "reserved" property names is invisibly mapped to the
    %     corresponding mangled name.
    %  The reserved name or "DefaultExclusionList" is based on the
    %  list of reserved keywords specified in the following files (referred
    %  to below as "Simulink Coder reserved words"):
    %    matlab/src/simulink/sl_engin/rtwgen_ident_hash.cpp (search for "reservedIdents")
    %    src/cgir_xform/dom_c/CReservedWords.cpp  
    %  Two simplifying factors:
    %  1) The bus creation logic (for Simulink ROS) uses the property names
    %     of MATLAB ROS messages. By design, these are all SentenceCased,
    %     which means that we don't have to worry about Simulink Coder
    %     reserved words that start with a lowercase letter.
    %  2) We can ignore Simulink Coder reserved words that are ALLUPPERCASE 
    %     as these are pretty obscure (and would only be an issue with
    %     constant properties, which aren't supported in SLROS as of 16b).
    % Following (1) and (2), the DefaultExclusionList below only includes
    % Simulink Coder reserved words that are SentencedCased.
        DefaultExclusionList = {
            'Vector', 'Matrix' 'BlockIO' 'ExternalInputs' 'ContinuousStates' ...
            'StateDerivatives' 'StateDisabled' 'CstateAbsTol' 'ExternalOutputs' ...
            'Parameters' 'ConstParam' 'ConstParamWithInit' }
        function obj = ReservedNamesChecker(listToUse)
            obj.ExclusionList = listToUse;
        function out = mangleName(obj, name) %#ok<INUSL>
            out = [name '_'];
    methods (Access = {?robotics.slros.internal.bus.ReservedNamesChecker,?matlab.unittest.TestCase})
        function out = isMangledName(obj, name)
            % TF = isMangledName(obj, NAME) returns true if and only if
            %  NAME has the  format "<ReservedWord>_"
            out = name(end)=='_' && ismember(name(1:end-1), obj.ExclusionList);
        function out = isReserved(obj, name)
            % TF = isReserved(obj, NAME) returns true if and only if
            %  NAME exactly (& case-sensitively) matches a reserved word
            out = ismember(name, obj.ExclusionList);
        function [out, isReserved] = mangleNameIfNeeded(obj, name)
             % [MNAME, TF] = mangleNameIfNeeded(obj, NAME) returns the
             %   mangled name, MNAME, if NAME matches a reserved word. If
             %   NAME does not match a reserved word, MNAME is same as NAME.
             %   TF is a boolean indicating if NAME is a reserved word (and
             %   hence whether MNAME is a mangled name).
            isReserved = ismember(name, obj.ExclusionList);
            if isReserved
                out = obj.mangleName(name);
                out = name;
        function [isAvailable, list] = exclusionListForTesting(listToUse)
            % exclusionListForTesting(listToUse) overrides the exclusion list 
            % that will be used in by ReservedNamesChecker in a subsequent
            % call to getInstance. listToUse should be a cell array of
            % strings.
            % exclusionListForTesting([]) resets (i.e., removes) the override.
            persistent exclusionList
            if nargin > 0
                % allow empty double [] (indicates "clear")
                assert(isempty(listToUse) || iscellstr(listToUse));
                exclusionList = listToUse;
            isAvailable = ~(isa(exclusionList,'double') && isempty(exclusionList));
            list = exclusionList;
        function obj = getInstance()
            [isAvailable, list] = robotics.slros.internal.bus.ReservedNamesChecker.exclusionListForTesting();
            if isAvailable
                obj = robotics.slros.internal.bus.ReservedNamesChecker(list);
                obj = robotics.slros.internal.bus.ReservedNamesChecker(...