www.gusucode.com > robotsimulink 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > robotsimulink/robotslros/+robotics/+slros/+internal/+sim/computeMsgStructReordering.m

    function info = computeMsgStructReordering(adjustedPropNames, ...
    varlenArrays, varlenArrayInfoProps)
%This function is for internal use only. It may be removed in the future.

%  computeMsgStructReordering(...) computes how the fields of a
%  MATLAB ROS message struct should be reordered to make it compatible with
%  Simulink bus struct. This function is intended to be a helper for 
%  sim.createROSMsgInfoMap, and the inputs are values calculated in
%  sim.createROSMsgInfoMap:processBus
%  Details:
%   When a ROS message struct (result of toStruct) is converted to a
%   Simulink Bus,  fields will be added for variable-length array info. 
%   These have to be adjacent to the corresponding variable-length array
%   (this ordering is defined in the Simulink bus object, and the bus
%   struct passed to Simulink is required to have same ordering of fields).
%   This function calculates a single-shot permutation of the message
%   struct that will apply the reordering + deletions at one go, using
%  INFO is a struct with the following fields:
%   doPermute : a flag to indicate whether a permutation is needed at all
%   augmentedPropertyList : the list of fields (needed when calling  CELL2STRUCT)
%   permutation : the permutation of the fields

%   Copyright 2014-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

assert(numel(varlenArrays) == numel(varlenArrayInfoProps));

% Append fields for variable-length arrays (i.e., the *_SL_Info fields)
augmentedFldList = [adjustedPropNames(:) ; varlenArrayInfoProps(:)];

% At this point, augmentedFldList has the order in which fields would
% appear in the "raw" bus struct. Now figure out how to reorder the fields
% so as to be compatible with the Simulink bus

fldOrdering = [];
for idx=1:numel(augmentedFldList)
    fldname = augmentedFldList{idx};
    switch fldname
        case varlenArrays
            % find the index for the corresponding varlenArrayInfoProp
            idxInVarlenArrays = strcmp(fldname, varlenArrays); 
            idxOfInfoProp = find(strcmp(varlenArrayInfoProps{idxInVarlenArrays}, augmentedFldList));
            % put the InfoProp right after the corresponding item
            fldOrdering(end+1:end+2) = [idx idxOfInfoProp];
        case varlenArrayInfoProps
            % omit idx from indices (will be picked up via the
            % varlenArrays case)
            fldOrdering(end+1) = idx; %#ok<AGROW>

% There shouldn't be any repetitions in fldOrdering
assert(numel(fldOrdering) == length(unique(fldOrdering)));

info.augmentedPropertyList = augmentedFldList;
info.permutation = fldOrdering;
info.doPermute = numel(varlenArrays) > 0;
