www.gusucode.com > rtwdemos 工具箱matlab源码程序 > rtwdemos/crl_demo/+CustomCrlEntry/@CrlCustomFunctionEntry/CrlCustomFunctionEntry.m

%   Copyright 2009-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

classdef CrlCustomFunctionEntry < RTW.TflCFunctionEntryML
        function ent = do_match(hThis, ...
                hCSO, ... %#ok
                targetBitPerChar, ... %#ok
                targetBitPerShort, ... %#ok
                targetBitPerInt, ... %#ok
                targetBitPerLong ) %#ok
            % DO_MATCH - Create a custom match function. The base class
            % checks the types of the arguments prior to calling this
            % method. This will check additional data and perhaps modify
            % the implementation function.
            ent = [];
            % Only use this sin function if the target int size is 32 bits
            if targetBitPerInt == 32
                % Want to modify the default implementation. Need to create a copy first.
                % Want to create a regular CFunction Entry since we do not want to keep
                % adding an implementation arg on every query.
                ent = RTW.TflCFunctionEntry(hThis);
                % In this case, the implementation function takes flag
                % indicating degrees vs radians
                % The additional argument could be created either in the code replacement 
                % definition file or as follows:
                arg = ent.createTflArgFromParamVals( 'RTW.TflArgNumericConstant', ...
                    'Name', 'u2',...
                    'IsSigned', true, ...
                    'WordLength', 32, ...
                    'FractionLength', 0, ...
                    'Value', 1);