www.gusucode.com > rtwdemos 工具箱matlab源码程序 > rtwdemos/crl_demo/+CustomCrlEntry/@CrlCustomMultiplyEntry/CrlCustomMultiplyEntry.m

%   Copyright 2010-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

classdef CrlCustomMultiplyEntry < RTW.TflCOperationEntryML
        function ent = do_match(hThis, ...
                                hCSO, ... %#ok
                                targetBitPerChar, ... %#ok
                                targetBitPerShort, ... %#ok
                                targetBitPerInt, ... %#ok
                                targetBitPerLong ) %#ok
                                                   % DO_MATCH - Create a custom match function. The base class
                                                   % checks the types of the arguments prior to calling this
                                                   % method. This will check additional data and perhaps modify
                                                   % the implementation function.
                % The base class checks word size and signess. The Slopes and Biases
                % have been wildcarded, so the only additional checking needed here is
                % to make sure the biases are zero and that there are only three
                % conceptual arguments (one result, two inputs)
                ent = []; % default the return to empty indicating the match failed.
                if length(hCSO.ConceptualArgs) == 3 && ...
                        hCSO.ConceptualArgs(1).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
                        hCSO.ConceptualArgs(2).Type.Bias == 0 && ...
                        hCSO.ConceptualArgs(3).Type.Bias == 0
                    a = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(2).Type.FixedExponent;
                    b = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(3).Type.FixedExponent;
                    c = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(1).Type.FixedExponent;
                    shiftVal = c-a-b;
                    if shiftVal ~= 0
                        % Want to modify the default implementation. Since this is a
                        % factory entry, a concrete entry is created using this factory
                        % as a template. The type of entry being created is a standard
                        % TflCOperationEntry. Using the standard operation entry is
                        % sufficient since it contains all the necessary information and
                        % a custom match function will no longer be needed.
                        ent = RTW.TflCOperationEntry(hThis);
                        % Since this entry is modifying the implementation for specific
                        % shift values (argument 3) then the conceptual argument
                        % wildcards must be removed (the wildcards were inherited from the
                        % factory when it was used as a template for the concrete entry).
                        % This concrete entry is now for a specific slope and bias
                        % (not for any slope and bias). The hCSO holds the correct
                        % slope and bias values (created by the code generator).
                        for idx=1:3
                            ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckSlope = true;
                            ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).CheckBias = true;
                            % Set the specific Slope and Biases
                            ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.DataTypeMode = 'Fixed-point: slope and bias scaling';
                            ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope = hCSO.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Slope;
                            ent.ConceptualArgs(idx).Type.Bias = 0;
                        % Change the name of the implementation function based on
                        % relative scaling information
                        if (shiftVal > 0) 
                            ent.Implementation.Name = sprintf('%s%s',ent.Implementation.Name,'_SR');
                            ent.Implementation.Name = sprintf('%s%s',ent.Implementation.Name,'_SL');
                            shiftVal = -1*shiftVal;
                        if length(ent.Implementation.Arguments) == 3
                            % Set the shift value in the implementation function. It is
                            % expected that this implementation argument is added to the
                            % factory entry when it is instantiated in a TFL creator function.
                            ent.Implementation.Arguments(3).Value = shiftVal;
                        else %assume it must be added
                            arg = RTW.TflArgNumericConstant('shift');
                            arg.Value = shiftVal;