www.gusucode.com > rtwdemos 工具箱matlab源码程序 > rtwdemos/rtwdemo_eml_aero_radar_data.m

    %RADDAT sets up data needed to run Simulink radar model "radmod".

% Copyright 1990-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Program developed by Dr. Richard Gran, September 1, 1996.

g = 32.2;    % Acceleration due to gravity (ft/sec^2)
tauc = 5;    % Correlation time of aircraft cross axis acceleration
tauT = 4;    % Correlation time of aircraft thrust axis acceleration
Speed = 400; % Initial speed of aircraft in y direction feet/sec
deltat = 1;  % Radar update rate (also hard-coded in extkalman.m)