www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/+dspdata/freqz.m

    classdef freqz < dspdata.abstractfreqrespwspectrumrangeMCOS
  %dspdata.freqz class
  %   dspdata.freqz extends dspdata.abstractfreqrespwspectrumrange.
  %    dspdata.freqz properties:
  %       Name - Property is of type 'String' (read only)
  %       Data - Property is of type 'mxArray' (read only)
  %       NormalizedFrequency - Property is of type 'bool'
  %       Fs - Property is of type 'mxArray' (read only)
  %       Frequencies - Property is of type 'double_vector user-defined' (read only)
  %       SpectrumRange - Property is of type 'SignalFrequencyRangeList enumeration: {'Half','Whole'}'
  %    dspdata.freqz methods:
  %       plotindb -   Returns true.
  methods  % constructor block
    function this = freqz(varargin)
      %FREQZ   Discrete-time frequency response object.

      % Create object and set the properties specific to this object.
      % this = dspdata.freqz;
      set(this,'Name','Transfer Function Estimate');
      % Construct a metadata object.
      % Initialize Data and Frequencies with defaults or user specified values.
    end  % freqz
  end  % constructor block
  methods  %% public methods
    function b = plotindb(this)
      %PLOTINDB   Returns true.
      b = true;
  end  %% public methods
end  % classdef

function validate(spectrumRange)
% This error checking should be done in the object's set method, but for
% enum datatypes UDD first checks the list before calling the set method.

validStrs = {'half','whole'};
if ~ischar(spectrumRange) | ~any(strcmpi(spectrumRange,validStrs)),
  error(message('signal:dspdata:freqz:freqz:invalidSpectrumRange', 'SpectrumRange', validStrs{ 1 }, validStrs{ 2 }));
end  % validate