www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/+fdesign/@comb/comb.m

    classdef (CaseInsensitiveProperties=true, TruncatedProperties=true) comb < fdesign.abstracttypewspecs & dynamicprops
%COMB   Construct a comb filter designer.
%   comb filter designer D. Note that D is not the design itself, it only
%   contains the design specifications. In order to design the filter, one
%   needs to invoke the DESIGN method on D. For example (more examples
%   below): 
%   D = fdesign.comb('notch','N,BW',8,.01); 
%   H = design(D); % H is a DFILT
%   SPECSTRING is a string that determines what design specifications will
%   be used. There are several possible specifications, a complete list is
%   given below.
%   Different specification types may have different design methods
%   available. Use DESIGNMETHODS to get a list of design methods
%   available for a given SPEC: designmethods(D).
%   VALUE1, VALUE2, etc. are scalars that provide the value of the
%   corresponding specification. Use get(D,'description') for a description
%   of VALUE1, VALUE2, etc.
%   By default, all frequency specifications are assumed to be in
%   normalized frequency units. Moreover, all magnitude specifications are
%   assumed to be in dB.
%   COMBTYPE is a string that determines whether the design will correspond
%   to a notching or peaking comb filter. To obtain a notching comb filter
%   design let COMBTYPE = 'notch'. To obtain a peaking comb filter design
%   let COMBTYPE = 'peak'.
%   D = FDESIGN.COMB(...,Fs) provides the sampling frequency of the signal
%   to be filtered. Fs must be specified as a scalar trailing all other
%   provided values. For this case, Fs is assumed to be in Hz as are all
%   other frequency values provided. Note that you don't change the
%   specification string in this case. In the example above, if the input
%   signal is sampled at 8 kHz, we can obtain the same filter by specifying
%   the bandwidth in Hz as: D = fdesign.comb('notch','N,BW',8,40,8e3); H =
%   design(D);
%   The full list of possible values for SPECSTRING (not case sensitive) is:
%      'N,Q' (default)
%      'N,BW'
%      'L,BW,GBW,Nsh'
%   where 
%       N     - Filter Order
%       Q     - Peak or Notch Quality Factor  
%       BW    - Peak or Notch Bandwidth
%       GBW   - Gain at which Bandwidth (BW) is measured (dB)
%       L     - Number of Peaks or Notches in the entire [-1 1] normalized
%               frequency interval
%       Nsh   - Shelving Filter Bandwidth 
%   Specification GBW must always be in dB. 
%   The comb filter is designed by up-sampling a shelving lowpass (for
%   peaking combs) or highpass (for notching combs) filter design by a
%   factor of L, or N (depending on the SPECSTRING value). The resulting
%   transfer function corresponds to a peak/notch comb filter with L, or N
%   peaks/notches in the Nyquist frequency interval. Designs based on
%   'N,Q', and 'N,BW' specifications use a default unity order shelving
%   filter and a quality factor or bandwidth referenced to a -3 dB
%   gain. Designs based on the 'L,BW,GBW,Nsh' specification allow the
%   choice of an arbitrary value for the shelving filter order Nsh (the
%   default still being unity) as well as an arbitrary gain reference GBW
%   for the peak/notch bandwidth BW (the default value is -3 dB). In this
%   scenario, the number of peaks/notches is chosen by parameter L and the
%   overall comb filter order is equal to Nsh*L. Design parameter Nsh
%   allows the sharpening of the response of the peaks/notches of the comb
%   design.
%   D = FDESIGN.COMB uses the  default SPECSTRING ('N,Q') and sets the
%   corresponding values to N, and Q.
%   % Example #1 - Design a notching comb filter with 8 notches, and a
%   % notch bandwidth of 0.02 referenced to a -3dB level.
%   d  = fdesign.comb('notch','N,BW',8,0.02)
%   Hd = design(d);
%   fvtool(Hd)
%   % Example #2 - Design a notching comb filter with 8 notches, a notch
%   % bandwidth of 0.02 referenced to a -5dB level, and a shelving filter
%   % order of 1.
%   d = fdesign.comb('notch','L,BW,GBW,Nsh',8,0.02,-5,1);
%   Hd = design(d);
%   fvtool(Hd)
%   % Example #3 - Design a notching comb filter with 10 notches, a notch
%   % bandwidth of 5 Hz referenced to a -4dB level, a shelving filter
%   % order of 4, and a sampling frequency of 600 Hz.
%   d = fdesign.comb('notch','L,BW,GBW,Nsh',10,5,-4,4,600);
%   Hd = design(d);
%   fvtool(Hd)
%   % Example #4 - Design a peaking comb filter with 5 peaks, and a peak
%   % quality factor of 25.
%   d = fdesign.comb('peak','N,Q',5,25);
%   Hd = design(d);
%   fvtool(Hd)

%   Copyright 2004-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%fdesign.comb class
%   fdesign.comb extends fdesign.abstracttypewspecs.
%    fdesign.comb properties:
%       Response - Property is of type 'ustring' (read only) 
%       Description - Property is of type 'string vector' (read only) 
%       CombType - Property is of type 'CombTypeType enumeration: {'Peak','Notch'}'  
%       NotchFrequencies - Property is of type 'double_vector user-defined' (read only) 
%       PeakFrequencies - Property is of type 'double_vector user-defined' (read only) 
%       Specification - Property is of type 'combSpecTypes enumeration: {'N,Q','N,BW','L,BW,GBW,Nsh'}'  
%    fdesign.comb methods:
%       disp -   Display the design object.
%       get_notchfrequencies - PreGet function for the 'NotchFrequencies'
%       get_peakfrequencies - PreGet function for the 'PeakFrequencies'
%       getconstructor -   Return the constructor for the specification type.
%       getmask -   Get the mask.
%       getmeasureconstructor -   Get the measureconstructor.
%       propstocopy -   Returns the properties to copy that are not part of the specs.
%       set_combtype - PreSet function for the 'CombType' property
%       setspecs - Set the specs
%       this_setspecs -   Set all the specs.
%       thisloadobj -   Load this object.

properties (AbortSet, SetObservable, GetObservable)
  %COMBTYPE Property is of type 'CombTypeType enumeration: {'Peak','Notch'}' 
  CombType = 'Notch';

properties (SetAccess=protected, AbortSet, SetObservable, GetObservable)
  %NOTCHFREQUENCIES Property is of type 'double_vector user-defined' (read only)
  NotchFrequencies = [  ];
  %PEAKFREQUENCIES Property is of type 'double_vector user-defined' (read only)
  PeakFrequencies = [  ];

properties (SetObservable, GetObservable)
  %SPECIFICATION Property is of type 'combSpecTypes enumeration: {'N,Q','N,BW','L,BW,GBW,Nsh'}' 

methods  % constructor block
  function this = comb(varargin)

    % this = fdesign.comb;

    this.Response = 'Comb Filter';

    this.Specification = 'N,Q';



  end  % comb

end  % constructor block

  function set.CombType(obj,value)
  % Enumerated DataType = 'CombTypeType enumeration: {'Peak','Notch'}'
  value = validatestring(value,getAllowedStringValues(obj,'CombType'),'','CombType');
  obj.CombType = set_combtype(obj,value);
  function value = get.NotchFrequencies(obj)
  value = get_notchfrequencies(obj,obj.NotchFrequencies);
  function set.NotchFrequencies(obj,value)
  % User-defined DataType = 'double_vector user-defined'
  obj.NotchFrequencies = value;
  function value = get.PeakFrequencies(obj)
  value = get_peakfrequencies(obj,obj.PeakFrequencies);
  function set.PeakFrequencies(obj,value)
  % User-defined DataType = 'double_vector user-defined'
  obj.PeakFrequencies = value;
  function value = get.Specification(obj)
  value = get_specification(obj,obj.Specification);
  function set.Specification(obj,value)
  value = validatestring(value,getAllowedStringValues(obj,'Specification'),'','Specification');
  obj.Specification = set_specification(obj,value);

end   % set and get functions 

  function vals = getAllowedStringValues(obj,prop)
    if strcmp(prop,'Specification')
     vals = { 'N,Q',...
    elseif strcmp(prop,'CombType')
      vals = {'Peak','Notch'}';
      vals = {};

methods (Access = protected)
  %This function defines the display behavior for the class
  %using matlab.mixin.util.CustomDisplay
  function propgrp = getPropertyGroups(obj)
    propList = get(obj);
    cpropList = propstoadd(obj.CurrentSpecs);
    propList = reorderstructure(propList,'Response', 'CombType', 'Specification', ...
    'Description', 'NormalizedFrequency','PeakFrequencies','NotchFrequencies',cpropList{:});
    if propList.NormalizedFrequency 
      propList = rmfield(propList, 'Fs');
    if isequal(lower(obj.CombType),'notch')
      propList = rmfield(propList,'PeakFrequencies');
      propList = rmfield(propList,'NotchFrequencies');
    propgrp = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propList);

methods  % public methods
  freqs = get_notchfrequencies(this,freqs)
  freqs = get_peakfrequencies(this,freqs)
  cSpecCon = getconstructor(this,stype)
  [F,A] = getmask(this,fcns,rcf,specs)
  measureconstructor = getmeasureconstructor(this)
  p = propstocopy(this)
  combtype = set_combtype(this,combtype)
end  % public methods 

end  % classdef


% [EOF]