www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/@dfilt/@basefilter/warnifreset.m

    function warnifreset(h, prop, value)
%WARNIFRESET Throw a warning if PersistentMemory is false
%   WARNIFRESET(H, PROP) Throw a warning using PROP as the property name.

%   Author(s): J. Schickler
%   Copyright 1999-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

% This should be private/protected

% If the prop is empty, this must be the constructor, do not warn.
if nargin < 3, value = get(h, prop); end
if isempty(value), return; end

% Only warn if PersistentMemory is false
if ~h.PersistentMemory,
    if nargin < 2,
        prop = '';
        prop = sprintf('''%s'' ', prop);
    % Turn the backtrace off, we will build our own.
    w = warning('query', 'backtrace');
    warning('off', 'backtrace');
    % Send the warning
    warning(message('signal:dfilt:basefilter:warnifreset:PropWillBeReset', prop, '''PersistentMemory''', 'true'));
    % Reset the warning states
    warning('backtrace', w.state);
    wid  = warning('query', 'signal:dfilt:basefilter:warnifreset:PropWillBeReset');
    % If all the warning states are ON show the stack
    if ~isdeployed && all(strcmpi({wid.state, w.state}, 'on')),

% [EOF]