www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/@dfilt/@df2tsos/df2tsos.m

    function Hd = df2tsos(varargin)
%DF2TSOS Direct-Form II Transposed, Second-Order Sections.
%   Hd = DFILT.DF2TSOS(S) returns a discrete-time, second-order section, 
%   direct-form II transposed filter object, Hd, with coefficients given in
%   the SOS matrix defined in <a href="matlab: help zp2sos">zp2sos</a>.
%   Hd = DFILT.DF2TSOS(b1,a1,b2,a2,...) returns a discrete-time, second-order 
%   section, direct-form II transposed filter object, Hd, with coefficients for 
%   the first section given in the b1 and a1 vectors, for the second section given 
%   in the b2 and a2 vectors, etc. 
%   Hd = DFILT.DF2TSOS(...,g) includes a gain vector g. The elements of g are the 
%   gains for each section. The maximum length of g is the number of sections plus 
%   one. If g is not specified, all gains default to one.
%   Note that one usually does not construct DFILT filters explicitly.
%   Instead, one obtains these filters as a result from a design using <a
%   href="matlab:help fdesign">FDESIGN</a>. 
%   Also, the DSP System Toolbox, along with the Fixed-Point Designer,
%   enables fixed-point support. 
%   % EXAMPLE #1: Direct instantiation
%   [z,p,k] = ellip(4,1,60,.4);                                                  
%   [s,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k);                                                     
%   Hd = dfilt.df2tsos(s,g)  
%   realizemdl(Hd)    % Requires Simulink
%   % EXAMPLE #2: Design an elliptic lowpass filter with default specifications
%   Hd = design(fdesign.lowpass, 'ellip', 'FilterStructure', 'df2tsos');
%   fvtool(Hd)                % Analyze filter
%   input = randn(100,1);       
%   output = filter(Hd,input); % Process data through the Equiripple filter.
%   Copyright 1988-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

Hd = dfilt.df2tsos;
Hd.ncoeffs = 6;

Hd.FilterStructure = 'Direct-Form II Transposed, Second-Order Sections';

[msg, msgObj] = parse_inputs(Hd, varargin{:});
if ~isempty(msg), error(msgObj); end