www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/@dspdata/centerdc.m

    function centerdc(this,state)
%CENTERDC   Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum.
%   CENTERDC is not recommended.
%   Use the 'centered' option in the following functions instead:
%      <a href="matlab:help periodogram">periodogram</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pwelch">pwelch</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pburg">pburg</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pcov">pcov</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pmcov">pmcov</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pyulear">pyulear</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pmtm">pmtm</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help peig">peig</a>
%      <a href="matlab:help pmusic">pmusic</a>
%   CENTERDC(H) or CENTERDC(H,true) shifts the data and the frequency
%   values in the DSP data (<a href="matlab:help dspdata">dspdata</a>) object H, so that DC is in the center
%   of the spectrum.
%   Note that if the object H contains data for half the Nyquist range,
%   it's first converted to occupy the whole Nyquist range, before the DC
%   component is centered.  This causes the number of points to roughly
%   double, since the spectrum now occupies the whole Nyquist interval.
%   CENTERDC(H,false) shifts the data and the frequency values in the data
%   object H, so that DC is in the left edge of the spectrum.  
%   NOTE: H must be constructed with the correct setting of 'CenterDC'
%   that represents the data. If CenterDC is set to a value that is
%   inconsistent with the data and frequency, then the command above will
%   have no effect.

%   Author(s): P. Pacheco
%   Copyright 1988-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Help for the CENTERDC method.

% [EOF]