www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/@filtdes/@bpmagfirstop1/syncspecs.m

    function props = syncspecs(h,d)
%SYNCSPECS Properties to sync.
%   Inputs:
%       h - handle to this object
%		d - handle to container objects
%   Outputs:
%       props - cell array, with list of properties to sync from
%               and list of properties to sync to.

%   Author(s): J. Schickler
%   Copyright 1988-2003 The MathWorks, Inc.

magUnits = get(d,'magUnits');
magUnitsOpts = set(d,'magUnits');

switch magUnits,
case magUnitsOpts{1}, % 'dB'
	props = {'Astop1', 'Wpass', 'Wstop2'};
case magUnitsOpts{2}, % 'Linear'
	props = {'Dstop1', 'Wpass', 'Wstop2'};

% [EOF]