www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/@filtdes/@nyqminfir1/maskinfo.m

    function cmd = maskinfo(hObj, d)
%MASKINFO Return the mask information

%   Author(s): J. Schickler
%   Copyright 1988-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.

cmd = base_maskinfo(hObj, d);

specobjs = get(hObj, 'SpecObjs');

fcmd = maskinfo(specobjs(1), d);
mcmd = maskinfo(specobjs(2), d);

fcmd{1} = setstructfields(fcmd{1}, mcmd{1});

fcmd{2}.magunits = fcmd{1}.magunits;

% fcmd{2}.frequency = [fcmd{1}.frequency(2)+ getnyquist(d)];
fcmd{2}.magfcn    = 'stop';

if isdb(d),
    val = fcmd{1}.amplitude;
    val = (10^(val/20) - 1)/(10^(val/20) + 1); % perform the tolinear passband conversion
    val = -20*log10(val);                      % perform the todb stopband conversion
    fcmd{2}.amplitude = val;
    fcmd{2}.amplitude = fcmd{1}.amplitude;
    fcmd{1}.astop     = -fcmd{1}.amplitude;

cmd.bands = fcmd;

% [EOF]