www.gusucode.com > signal 工具箱matlab源码程序 > signal/vco.m

    function y = vco(x,range,Fs)
%VCO  Voltage controlled oscillator
%   Y = VCO(X,Fc,Fs) creates a signal which oscillates at a frequency
%   determined by the input vector X.  Fc is the carrier or reference 
%   frequency, and Fs is the sampling frequency; if you input 0 for X, 
%   Y will be a Fc Hertz cosine with amplitude 1 sampled at Fs Hertz.  
%   The range of values for X is from -1 to 1; -1 corresponds to a 0 
%   frequency output, 0 to Fc and 1 to 2*Fc.  Y is the same size as X.
%   Y = VCO(X,[Fmin Fmax],Fs) scales the frequency modulation range so 
%   that -1 and 1 values of X yield oscillations of Fmin and Fmax 
%   Hertz respectively.  For best results, Fmin and Fmax should be in
%   the range 0 to Fs/2.
%       If you do not specify either Fc or Fs, VCO uses the default values
%   Fs = 1 and Fc = Fs/4.
%   If X is a matrix, VCO produces a matrix whose columns oscillate
%   according to the columns of X.
%   % Example:
%   %   Generate two seconds of a signal sampled at 10,000 samples/second 
%   %   whose instantaneous frequency is a triangle function of time,
%   %   and plot the spectrogram of the generated signal.
%   fs = 10000;                                     % Sampling frequency
%   t = 0:1/fs:2;                                   % Time Vector
%   x = vco(sawtooth(2*pi*t,0.75),[0.1 0.4]*fs,fs); % Signal
%   spectrogram(x,kaiser(256,5),220,512,fs,'yaxis')
%   See also MODULATE, DEMOD.

%   Copyright 1988-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin<3
    Fs = 1;
if nargin<2
    Fc = Fs/4;
    range = Fc;
x_max = max(max(x));
x_min = min(min(x));
if (x_max>1)||(x_min<-1)
if length(range)>1
    Fc = mean(range);
    range = (range(2) - Fc)/Fs*2*pi;
    Fc = range;
    range = (Fc/Fs)*2*pi;

y = modulate(x,Fc,Fs,'fm',range);