www.gusucode.com > simulinktestdemos 工具箱matlab源码程序 > simulinktestdemos/sltestCoverageIncreaseAPDemo.m

    %% Extend Model Coverage of a Test Suite
% Increase coverage of a test suite by generating tests using Simulink(R) 
% Design Verifier(TM). Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% This example shows you how to 
% extend coverage of a test suite beyond an initial 
% test case. You start by measuring coverage for the initial
% test which uses timeseries data. You save the results of the
% initial coverage measurement, then use Simulink(R) Design Verifier(TM) to
% add new test cases to the Test Manager. You then
% simulate the expanded test suite and review aggregate coverage.
% This example builds on the workflow from another example,
% <matlab:showdemo('sltestRequirementsTestingAutopilotDemo') Requirements-Based Testing for Model Development>

%% Paths and Example Files
% Enter the following to store paths and filenames for the example and set
% the current folder.
filePath = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','simulinktest','simulinktestdemos');
rollModel = 'RollAutopilotRevised';
testHarness = 'RollReference_LoggedDataTest';
testFile = 'RollRefTest.mldatx';

%% Background and Workflow for the Example
% Tests commonly use timeseries
% inputs to exercise the model or a particular model component. Timeseries
% inputs can include logged data from simulation or from physical measurements.
% Logged data can cover important simulation cases, but not necessarily
% achieve full model coverage. If you have Simulink(R) Test(TM) and
% Simulink(R) Design Verifier(TM), you can generate test cases to increase
% test coverage and view cumulative coverage from a suite of test cases.
% This example uses an updated version of the |Roll Reference| subsystem, 
% a test case, and a test harness for a timeseries input. The basic
% workflow is:

% # Measure model coverage with the timeseries input and save the coverage
% result.
% # Generate additional test cases for coverage not achieved in the first
% test case.
% # Run the suite of test cases and measure cumulative model coverage. 

% The |Roll Reference| subsystem is one component of an autopilot control
% system. The subsystem controls the reference angle of the aircraft's roll
% axis.

%% The Test Case and Timeseries Test Harness
% The model contains a test harness |RollReference_LoggedDataTest|, which
% uses timeseries data from the base workspace. The test case 
% collects MCDC coverage for the |Roll Reference| subsystem.

%% Run the Test and Save Coverage Results
% Set the current folder to a writable location. Open the test file
% |RollRefTest|:

% <<autopilot_coverage_topup_timeseries_testcase_initial.png>>
% In the *Test Browser*, expand the *Logged Data and Coverage* test suite. 
% Highlight the |RollReference Timeseries Input| test
% case and click *Run*. 

% When simulation completes, in the *Results and Artifacts* pane, select 
% the test case. In the test results, expand the *Coverage Results*
% section. The results show that the test
% achieves partial coverage for the |Roll Reference| subsystem:
% * Decision coverage: 80%
% * Condition coverage: 70%
% * MCDC 25%

% <<autopilot_coverage_initial_result.png>>

% Save the coverage result:
% # Select the coverage result.
% # Click *Export*.
% # In the *Export* dialog, select *Export to CVT-file*.
% # Click the *Browse* icon. Select your working folder.
% # Save the coverage result to the file |RollRefInitialCov.cvt|.

%% Generate Tests to Increase Model Coverage
% You can use Simulink(R) Design Verifier(TM) to generate additional tests
% for missing coverage data. For more information, see
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'sldv','ug','generate-test-cases-for-missing-coverage-data.html')) Generate Test Cases for Missing Coverage Data>.

% # In the test browser, select the |RollReference Timeseries Input| test
% case. Expand the *System Under Test* in the right pane. 
% # Expand *Test
% Harness* and click the arrow next to the *Harness* field to open the test
% harness. In the test harness, test case generation ignores objectives
% satisfied in |RollRefInitialCov.cvt|. You control
% this in the *Design Verifier > Test Generation* configuration
% parameters.
% # In the top level of the test harness, right-click 
% the |Roll Reference| subsystem and select
% *Design Verifier > Generate Tests for Subsystem*.
% Test case generation executes, and the results summary window opens.

% <<autopilot_coverage_results_summary_window.png>>

%% Export Test Cases to the Test Manager
% # In the Design Verifier Results Summary window, click *Export test cases to
% Simulink Test*.
% # Use the same test harness for the additional test cases. In the
% *Harness Selection* dialog box, select |RollReference_LoggedDataTest|.
% Click *OK*.
% # In the test manager, a new test file appears, containing the new test case. 
% # Right-click the new test case, and select *Cut*.
% # Highlight the *Logged Data and Coverage* test suite, and select
% *Paste*. The test suite now contains both test cases for increased
% coverage.
% <<autopilot_coverage_new_testcases.png>>

%% Run the Expanded Test Suite
% In |RollRefCumulativeCovTest|, select the |Logged Data and Coverage| test
% suite and click *Run*. 

% When simulation completes, in the *Results and
% Artifacts* section, select the test suite name and expand the *Aggregated
% Coverage Results*. The coverage results show the expanded coverage for
% the combined tests. The additional test case completes the model coverage
% in the test suite.
% * Decision: 100%
% * Condition: 100%
% * MCDC: 100%

% <<autopilot_coverage_combined_report.png>>

clear filePath reqDoc rollModel testFile testHarness topModel;