www.gusucode.com > risk 工具箱matlab源码程序 > risk/+risk/+internal/convertToModelWeights.m

    function [W, idioW] = convertToModelWeights(OriginalWeights, FactorCorr)
% Convert percentile weights to model weights.

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

numLatent = size(OriginalWeights,1);

% alpha represents the amount of latent variable variability that is
% explained by the factors.
alpha = 1 - OriginalWeights(:,end);

% We scale the factor weights to sum to 1 (without the idiosyncratic
% contribution).
weights = OriginalWeights(:,1:end-1);
weights = bsxfun(@rdivide,weights,sum(weights,2));

% Compute the variance of the weighted sum of factors for each asset.
factorVariance = zeros(numLatent,1);
for ii = 1:numLatent
    factorVariance(ii) = weights(ii,:) * FactorCorr * weights(ii,:)';

% Compute the "raw" model weights
W = bsxfun(@times,alpha,weights);
W = bsxfun(@rdivide,W,sqrt(factorVariance));

% Weights of the idiosyncratic shocks
idioW = sqrt(1 - alpha.^2);