www.gusucode.com > funfun工具箱matlab源码程序 > funfun/private/odenumjac.m

    function [dFdy,fac,nfevals,nfcalls] = odenumjac(F,Fargs,Fvalue,options)
%ODENUMJAC Numerically compute the Jacobian dF/dY of function F(...,Y,...).
%   [DFDY,FAC] = ODENUMJAC(F,FARGS,FVALUE,OPTIONS) numerically computes 
%   the Jacobian of function F with respect to variable Y, returning it 
%   as a matrix DFDY. F could be a function of several variables. It must 
%   return a column vector. The arguments of F are specified in a cell 
%   array FARGS. Vector FVALUE contains F(FARGS{:}).  
%   The structure OPTIONS must have the following fields: DIFFVAR, VECTVARS, 
%   THRESH, and FAC. For sparse Jacobians, OPTIONS must also have fields 
%   PATTERNS and G. The field OPTIONS.DIFFVAR is the index of the 
%   differentiation variable, Y = FARGS{DIFFVAR}. For a function F(t,x), 
%   set DIFFVAR to 1 to compute DF/Dt, or to 2 to compute DF/Dx.
%   ODENUMJAC takes advantage of vectorization, i.e., when several values F 
%   can be obtained with one function evaluation. Set OPTIONS.VECTVAR 
%   to the indices of vectorized arguments: VECTVAR = [2] indicates that 
%   F(t,[x1 y2 ...]) returns [F(t,x1) F(t,x2) ...], while VECTVAR = [1,2] 
%   indicates that F([t1 t2 ...],[x1 x2 ...]) returns [F(t1,x1) F(t2,x2) ...]. 
%   OPTIONS.THRESH provides a threshold of significance for Y, i.e. 
%   the exact value of a component Y(i) with abs(Y(i)) < THRESH(i) is not 
%   important. All components of THRESH must be positive. Column FAC is 
%   working storage. On the first call, set OPTIONS.FAC to []. Do not alter 
%   the returned value between calls. 
%   [DFDY,FAC] = ODENUMJAC(F,FARGS,FVALUE,OPTIONS) computes a sparse matrix 
%   DFDY if the fields OPTIONS.PATTERN and OPTIONS.G are present.  
%   PATTERN is a non-empty sparse matrix of 0's and 1's. A value of 0 for 
%   PATTERN(i,j) means that component i of the function F(...,Y,...) does not 
%   depend on component j of vector Y (hence DFDY(i,j) = 0).  Column vector 
%   OPTIONS.G is an efficient column grouping, as determined by COLGROUP(PATTERN).
%   [DFDY,FAC,NFEVALS,NFCALLS] = ODENUMJAC(...) returns the number of values
%   F(FARGS{:}) computed while forming dFdY (NFEVALS) and the number of calls 
%   to the function F (NFCALLS). If F is not vectorized, NFCALLS equals NFEVALS. 
%   Although ODENUMJAC was developed specifically for the approximation of
%   partial derivatives when integrating a system of ODE's, it can be used
%   for other applications.  In particular, when the length of the vector
%   returned by F(...,Y,...) is different from the length of Y, DFDY is
%   rectangular.
%   See also COLGROUP.

%   ODENUMJAC is an implementation of an exceptionally robust scheme due to
%   Salane for the approximation of partial derivatives when integrating 
%   a system of ODEs, Y' = F(T,Y). It is called when the ODE code has an
%   approximation Y at time T and is about to step to T+H.  The ODE code
%   controls the error in Y to be less than the absolute error tolerance
%   ATOL = THRESH.  Experience computing partial derivatives at previous
%   steps is recorded in FAC.  A sparse Jacobian is computed efficiently 
%   by using COLGROUP(S) to find groups of columns of DFDY that can be
%   approximated with a single call to function F.  COLGROUP tries two
%   schemes (first-fit and first-fit after reverse COLAMD ordering) and
%   returns the better grouping.
%   D.E. Salane, "Adaptive Routines for Forming Jacobians Numerically",
%   SAND86-1319, Sandia National Laboratories, 1986.
%   T.F. Coleman, B.S. Garbow, and J.J. More, Software for estimating
%   sparse Jacobian matrices, ACM Trans. Math. Software, 11(1984)
%   329-345.
%   L.F. Shampine and M.W. Reichelt, The MATLAB ODE Suite, SIAM Journal on
%   Scientific Computing, 18-1, 1997.

%   Mark W. Reichelt and Lawrence F. Shampine, 3-28-94
%   Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Options
diffvar = options.diffvar; 
vectvar = options.vectvars;
thresh  = options.thresh;
fac     = options.fac;

% Full or sparse Jacobian.
fullJacobian = true;
if isfield(options,'pattern')
  fullJacobian = false;
  S = options.pattern;
  g = options.g;
% The differentiation variable.
y  = Fargs{diffvar};

% Initialize.
Fvalue = Fvalue(:);
classF = class(Fvalue);
br = eps(classF) ^ (0.875);
bl = eps(classF) ^ (0.75);
bu = eps(classF) ^ (0.25);
classY = class(y);
facmin = eps(classY) ^ (0.78);
facmax = 0.1;
ny = length(y);
nF = length(Fvalue);
if isempty(fac)
  fac = sqrt(eps(classY)) + zeros(ny,1,classY);

% Select an increment del for a difference approximation to
% column j of dFdy.  The vector fac accounts for experience
% gained in previous calls to numjac.
yscale = max(abs(y),thresh);
del = (y + fac .* yscale) - y;
for j = find(del == 0)'
  while true
    if fac(j) < facmax
      fac(j) = min(100*fac(j),facmax);
      del(j) = (y(j) + fac(j)*yscale(j)) - y(j);
      if del(j)
      del(j) = thresh(j);
if nF == ny
  s = (sign(Fvalue) >= 0);
  del = (s - (~s)) .* abs(del);         % keep del pointing into region

% Form a difference approximation to all columns of dFdy.
if fullJacobian                           % generate full matrix dFdy
  ydel = y(:,ones(1,ny)) + diag(del);
  if isempty(vectvar)
    % non-vectorized
    Fdel = zeros(nF,ny);
    for j = 1:ny
      Fdel(:,j) = feval(F,Fargs{1:diffvar-1},ydel(:,j),Fargs{diffvar+1:end});
    nfcalls = ny;                       % stats     
    % Expand arguments.  Need to preserve the original (non-expanded)
    % Fargs in case of correcting columns (done one column at a time).
    Fargs_expanded = Fargs;
    Fargs_expanded{diffvar} = ydel;
    vectvar = setdiff(vectvar,diffvar);
    for i=1:length(vectvar)
      Fargs_expanded{vectvar(i)} = repmat(Fargs{vectvar(i)},1,ny);
    Fdel = feval(F,Fargs_expanded{:});
    nfcalls = 1;                        % stats
  nfevals = ny;                         % stats (at least one per loop)
  Fdiff = Fdel - Fvalue(:,ones(1,ny));
  dFdy = Fdiff * diag(1 ./ del);
  [Difmax,Rowmax] = max(abs(Fdiff),[],1);
  % If Fdel is a column vector, then index is a scalar, so indexing is okay.
  absFdelRm = abs(Fdel((0:ny-1)*nF + Rowmax));

else                    % sparse dFdy with structure S and column grouping g
  nzcols = find(g > 0); % g==0 for all-zero columns in sparsity pattern

  if isempty(nzcols)  % No columns requested -- early exit
    dFdy = sparse([],[],[],nF,ny);      
    nfcalls = 0;                        % stats 
    nfevals = 0;                        % stats 

  ng = max(g);
  one2ny = (1:ny)';
  ydel = y(:,ones(1,ng));
  i = (g(nzcols)-1)*ny + nzcols;
  ydel(i) = ydel(i) + del(nzcols);    
  if isempty(vectvar)
    % non-vectorized
    Fdel = zeros(nF,ng);
    for j = 1:ng
      Fdel(:,j) = feval(F,Fargs{1:diffvar-1},ydel(:,j),Fargs{diffvar+1:end});
    nfcalls = ng;                       % stats     
    % Expand arguments.  Need to preserve the original (non-expanded)
    % Fargs in case of correcting columns (done one column at a time).
    Fargs_expanded = Fargs;
    Fargs_expanded{diffvar} = ydel;
    vectvar = setdiff(vectvar,diffvar);
    for i=1:length(vectvar)
      Fargs_expanded{vectvar(i)} = repmat(Fargs{vectvar(i)},1,ng);
    Fdel = feval(F,Fargs_expanded{:});
    nfcalls = 1;                        % stats
  nfevals = ng;                         % stats (at least one per column)
  Fdiff = Fdel - Fvalue(:,ones(1,ng));
  [i, j] = find(S);
  if ~isempty(i)
    i = i(:); % ensure that i is a column vector (S could be a row vector)  
  Fdiff = sparse(i,j,Fdiff((g(j)-1)*nF + i),nF,ny);
  dFdy = Fdiff * sparse(one2ny,one2ny,1 ./ del,ny,ny);
  [Difmax,Rowmax] = max(abs(Fdiff),[],1);
  Difmax = full(Difmax);
  % If ng==1, then Fdel is a column vector although index may be a row vector.
  absFdelRm = zeros(1,ny);
  absFdelRm(nzcols) = abs(Fdel((g(nzcols)-1)*nF + Rowmax(nzcols)'));

% Adjust fac for next call to numjac.
absFvalue = abs(Fvalue);
absFvalueRm = absFvalue(Rowmax);              % not a col vec if absFvalue scalar
absFvalueRm = absFvalueRm(:)';                % ensure that absFvalueRm is a row vector
absFdelRm = absFdelRm(:)';                    % ensure that absFdelRm is a row vector
j = ((absFdelRm ~= 0) & (absFvalueRm ~= 0)) | (Difmax == 0);

if ~fullJacobian
    j = j & (g(:)'>0);   % refine only requested columns  
if any(j)
  ydel = y;
  Fscale = max(absFdelRm,absFvalueRm);

  % If the difference in f values is so small that the column might be just
  % roundoff error, try a bigger increment. 
  k1 = (Difmax <= br*Fscale);           % Difmax and Fscale might be zero
  for k = find(j & k1)
    tmpfac = min(sqrt(fac(k)),facmax);
    del = (y(k) + tmpfac*yscale(k)) - y(k);
    if (tmpfac ~= fac(k)) && (del ~= 0)
      if nF == ny
        if Fvalue(k) >= 0                  % keep del pointing into region
          del = abs(del);
          del = -abs(del);
      ydel(k) = y(k) + del;
      Fargs{diffvar} = ydel;
      fdel = feval(F,Fargs{:});
      nfevals = nfevals + 1;            % stats
      nfcalls = nfcalls + 1;            % stats
      ydel(k) = y(k);
      fdiff = fdel(:) - Fvalue;
      tmp = fdiff ./ del;
      [difmax,rowmax] = max(abs(fdiff));
      if tmpfac * norm(tmp,inf) >= norm(dFdy(:,k),inf);
        % The new difference is more significant, so
        % use the column computed with this increment.
        if fullJacobian
          dFdy(:,k) = tmp;
          i = find(S(:,k));
          if ~isempty(i)
            dFdy(i,k) = tmp(i);
        % Adjust fac for the next call to numjac.
        fscale = max(abs(fdel(rowmax)),absFvalue(rowmax));
        if difmax <= bl*fscale
          % The difference is small, so increase the increment.
          fac(k) = min(10*tmpfac, facmax);          
        elseif difmax > bu*fscale
          % The difference is large, so reduce the increment.
          fac(k) = max(0.1*tmpfac, facmin);
          fac(k) = tmpfac;            
  % If the difference is small, increase the increment.
  k = find(j & ~k1 & (Difmax <= bl*Fscale));
  if ~isempty(k)
    fac(k) = min(10*fac(k), facmax);

  % If the difference is large, reduce the increment.
  k = find(j & (Difmax > bu*Fscale));
  if ~isempty(k)
    fac(k) = max(0.1*fac(k), facmin);