www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/+mbcboundary/Boolean.m

    classdef Boolean < mbcboundary.AbstractBoundary
    %MBCBOUNDARY.BOOLEAN boolean boundary model class
    %    Boolean boundary models are created either by using logical operators
    %    (&,|,~) on other boundary models or by including more than one
    %    boundary model in the best boundary model for a boundary tree. It is
    %    not possible to add a boolean boundary model created with logical
    %    operators to a boundary tree. Boolean boundary models are useful
    %    as design constraints. 
    %    mbcboundary.Boolean properties:
    %        Name           - name of boundary model (read only)
    %        NumberOfInputs - number of inputs (read only)
    %        Type           - boundary model type (read only)
    %        Inputs         - boundary model inputs
    %        FitAlgorithm   - fit algorithm for boundary model
    %        Fitted         - indicates whether boundary model has been fitted (read only)
    %    mbcboundary.Boolean methods:
    %        CreateBoundary      - create a new boundary model
    %        getAlternativeTypes - list of alternative boundary model types
    %        Evaluate            - evaluate boundary model
    %        designconstraint    - convert boundary model to a design constraint
    %    Boundary models can be combined using the logical operators &, | and ~.
    %See also Tree, getAlternativeTypes, Tree.BestModel

%  Copyright 2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

   methods (Hidden)
       function B = Boolean(con,varargin)
           %Model - constructor not intended for public calls
           if nargin==0
              con = conboolean; 
           B = B@mbcboundary.AbstractBoundary(con,varargin{:});
       % public methods

       function [OptionNames,ObjectIndex,OptionObjects] = getAlternativeTypes(obj)
           %GETALTERNATIVETYPES list of boundary model types
           %     Types = getAlternativeTypes(obj);
           %     Types is a list of boundary model types which could be
           %     used as alternative boundary model types for the current
           %     boundary model.
           %See also Type

           % undocumented
           % [OptionNames,ObjectIndex,OptionObjects] = getAlternativeTypes(obj)

           c = obj.Object;
           if ~isempty(c)
               OptionNames = {'Boolean'};
               ObjectIndex = 1;
               OptionObjects = {obj.Object};
               error(message('mbc:mbcboundary:model:InvalidState', class( obj )))
end % classdef