www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/+mbcdoe/CandidateSetTypes.m

    function list = CandidateSetTypes(nf)
%CANDIDATESETTYPES list of candidate sets for Model-Based Calibration Toolbox software
% list = mbcdoe.CandidateSetTypes;
% list = mbcdoe.CandidateSetTypes(NumberOfInputs);
%   If the NumberOfInputs for the design is specified then the list is
%   restricted to the candidate sets for that NumberOfInputs.

%  Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

csI = csetinterface;
csI = set(csI,'typefilter',0);
if nargin
    csI = set(csI,'nffilter',nf);
list = get(csI,'FullNames');