www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@junit/isempty.m

    function TrueFalse = isempty(UnitObj)

%  Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

%JUNIT/ISEMPTY  True for an a junit constructed with an empty string.
%   ISEMPTY(UnitObj) returns 1 if UnitObj is uninitialised (constructed with
%   an empty string) and 0 otherwise.
%   See also GET.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Description : Method to test if a junit was a difference junit is
%               uninitialised (constructed with an empty string).
% Inputs      : UnitObj   - junit object (junit)
% Outputs     : TrueFalse - true or false (integer)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

ReshapedUnitObj = UnitObj(:);
TrueFalse = zeros(size(ReshapedUnitObj));
for ucount = 1:length(ReshapedUnitObj),
    % Step through
    TrueFalse(ucount) = isempty(ReshapedUnitObj(ucount).Constructor);
TrueFalse = reshape(TrueFalse, size(UnitObj));